Monday, October 10, 2005

Red Dragons

There are a couple of food-related things that seem to be requirements if you live in the state of California. Most of them involve avocados. It's like against the law or something to not like avocados, or at the very least you have to be able to consume them in guacamole form. I've tried. I still can't do the avocado thing. The other required edible is sushi. I'm not a big fan of fish when it's cooked. Why the fuck would I ever consider eating it raw?!?! Well, since I've been out here, I've been to three sushi restaurants. The first time I avoided eating anything too scary. The second time I went with HWMNBN and my brain was really not on eating, but I still ventured out and tried some California rolls (minus the avocados) and some sort of scallop something. Tonight I went out with another friend of mine and was feeling overly adventurous so I ordered these spicy tuna rolls. Shock of all shocks they were pretty fucking good. I also ate some of the salmon rolls my friend ordered. I have to admit I liked those too. What the fuck? I suddenly like sushi? The world must be spinning off it's axis. I did try an avocado again too. Still no go. Guess I'm just not that adventurous yet...

"You won't accept a guy's tongue in your mouth and you're going to eat that?" -- Judd Nelson -- "The Breakfast Club"

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