Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Bone-ing Leagues

I guess I'll continue my theme of talking about Hollywood's little eccentricities. A phrase I've picked up recently is the term "bone-ing league." Basically it's this fucked up hierarchy of who should be allowed to sleep with who in this town. Mostly you should be able to fuck someone in your "group" or in the groups just above or below yours. Mostly the teams are what you expect them to be. The rich and the beautiful fuck the rich and the beautiful. Then there are the rest of us. The not quite beautiful that for some reason aspire to move amongst the glitterati in the hopes that some of their shiny-ness will rub off or something. Women have it better. We can group hop a bit more freely since the guys outnumber us by like a 60/40 ratio. Even before moving here I had been pretty lucky. I've been "bone-ing out of my league" for years now. The last few guys I've been with have all been prettier than me, and that trend hasn't changed since I got to LA. The interesting thing here is that lots of times the line between the groups gets a bit blurred. Back in the ATL, tales of the "Celebrity-Boink" were rare and were often cause for radio morning show fodder. Here in SoCal it's much less of a rare occurrence. More often than they prolly should, celebrities choose to wander out into the Common Lands and once there, become fair game. Put enough liquor in someone and even the biggest celebs forget who they are... and who they sleep with. Out here it's not news unless some A-lister knocks up a barmaid or some WB pretty-boy gets caught by a papparazo while face-down in some WeHo gutter... I haven't slept with anyone new since moving out here, but that hasn't been for a lack of choices... You thought I was picky about the guys I've slept with in the past? The stakes have gone up considerably. I spend day after day interacting with the pretty people of this city and let me tell you it's kinda flattering to have good-looking men hit on me... If I'd acted on the invites, some of these guys (2 in particular) would have even gotten me on the radio back home if I was the kind to name names and fuck and tell. I'm not stupid, I know most of them are "out of my league" so to speak, and are just flirting because flirting is second nature to them, but I don't care. There's always more where they came from. Wanting to get involved with the pretty people in this way it stupid. I know that. I've never really been into the superficial thing, but out here on the fault line, it's hard not to get sucked into that Narcissician way of thinking. I should be looking for some nice guy that I have things in common with... and I am... but is it so terrible that now I want him to be pretty too? I'm a fairly intelligent, semi-attractive girl and I've decided to set my sights high. Maybe I'll get lucky and find what I'm looking for. Maybe I won't. But fuck it. If I don't, I won't be any worse off than I am now, and at the very least, maybe I'll get to bone some beautiful men in the process ;) HeHeHe...

"The woman who appeals to a man's vanity may stimulate him, the woman who appeals to his heart may attract him, but it is the woman who appeals to his imagination who gets him." -- Helen Rowland

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