Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Paging Noah

It rained here today. The first real rain since I moved out here. You would have thought the world was coming to an end. I thought Atlanta was bad when we would occasionally get snow and the city would basically shut down. Apparently the same thing happens here when it rains. I turned on the news and there were reporters in rain ponchos out and about all over the city. It looked like they were bracing for a hurricane and when I looked out my window I expected to see a great deluge and the animals lining up two-by-two. Such was not the case. Yes, it was raining steadily. Yes, there was lightning and thunder. But c'mon. We got a whole inch of rain. Seriously. All this for an inch of rain. No mudslides. No flooding. Just some water falling from the sky. Pardon my incredulity. I must have lived in Atlanta too long. I was used to getting an inch of rain every day, all summer long, so I find LA's reaction to the whole rain "phenomena" way more amusing than I probably should... Ok, so the traffic caused by the rain was definitely not amusing (it took me an hour and 1/2 to get to work today), but the rest of it was all pretty fucking funny to me... and I needed some amusement after yesterday. Aside from the rain, today was fairly uneventful. I didn't get to talk to any of my boys though and that makes me sad :( Hopefully Wednesday will be better. It should be. If nothing else I expect to see Adam tomorrow evening. He needs to come by and pick up some prints and hopefully will finally come to his senses and actually ask me out rather than just flirting with me and making vague suggestions that we "go do something." I appreciate that he's trying to be a nice guy (and have to admit that the whole chivalrous thing he's got going on kinda turns me on for some reason), but enough is enough. I'm used to my men being more aggressive. So either he steps up and asks me out or I'm going to ask him. Hopefully that won't scare him off, but I don't think it will. He seems to realize that I'm not like most of the other girls in this town... or at least I hope he realizes that. If not, he's in for one hell of a shock ;)

"Life is the fire that burns and the sun that gives light. Life is the wind and the rain and the thunder in the sky. Life is matter and is earth, what is and what is not, and what is beyond is in Eternity." -- Seneca

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