Thursday, September 01, 2005

Crazy Chicks

Women are nuts. I know this because I'm just as crazy and irrational as the next girl. Here's an example. I have this pair of rust-colored raw silk pants that I bought like 13 or 14 years ago. I paid a lot of money for them and have just been unable to give them to GoodWill even though they have not fit me since like 1993. In the back of my mind there was always the insane notion that I would be able to wear them again. I almost gave them up on this last move, but they had taken on this weird talismanic quality and I found myself packing them up and dragging them across the county for no logical reason. Well today my madness paid off for once. I decided on a whim to try them on and fuck me if they didn't fit again. Woo Hoo! It's the little things in life that make me happy these days. See. Nuts. I admit it... Overall the day was uneventful. I didn't sleep well last night. I had fucked up dreams that didn't make sense and they were peopled by people I should most definitely not be dreaming about. There were some good dreams too, but I think I'll plead the 5th as to who was in those and what we were doing ;) My dog lost his mind briefly today. At some point he let himself into the apartment and apparently got bored because he ate a book. He has plenty of toys of his own, but for some reason he took issue with the book "Meg" and ate it from cover to cover. There were just little shreds left. What can I say? Roland is apparently not normal either. What a pair we make... So a holiday weekend approaches. I was going to hit the beach, but that requires me to drive all the way to the beach, and with gas as high as it is I'm not sure I want to make that costly a journey. Granted, I could go to Santa Monica instead of Huntington and it would be a lot closer, but chances are very good that I'd run into HWMNBN in SM and I'm just not prepared to deal with him right now. I guess I'll give S-boy a call tomorrow and see if he wants to bring his dog up here and go hiking or something. He can afford these crazy gas prices. At least someone can...

"No doubt exists that all women are crazy; it's only a question of degree." -- W. C. Fields

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