Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Land Of The Lost

It turned out to be a really long day. Things were dead at work until about mid-afternoon and then all of a sudden the flood gates opened and everyone suddenly needed pictures for something. If it had just been nice, reasonable actors everything would have been fine, but there seemed to be a large number of "stage moms" who wanted to come in and make my life difficult. Still, they shell out large amounts of $$$ to have their little darlings pictures done, so I kinda have to humor them... I did get to talk to The Naked Indian for a bit while I took my quick lunch break and that vastly improved my mood. It's amazing how just hearing someone's voice can turn your day around even when you don't talk about anything of any real consequence... I had some errands to run after work that ended up taking me a lot longer than anticipated. Mainly because I don't know my way around Burbank that well yet and I managed to get myself all turned around and sorta got lost. Fortunately all roads in Burbank eventually lead to Victory Blvd and once I get on Victory I can usually figure out where the fuck I am and how to get back to a freeway. So after a series of misturns I found Victory and got on the 170, but it was almost 10:00 by the time I got home... Despite my promise to S-boy that I will eat a reasonable dinner every night after work, it was too late and I just couldn't bring myself to cook anything tonight. The motivation just wasn't there. Maybe I'll get up early and fix something decent for breakfast instead... yeah, right. That'll happen. The chances of me getting up before I absolutely have to are practically non-existent... Maybe he'll bring me lunch again tomorrow like he did on Monday. If I call and whine I bet I could talk him into bringing me a nice juicy cheeseburger from Mel's.... mmmmm cheeseburgers.... now I'm hungry dammit....

"Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves." -- Henry David Thoreau

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