Wednesday, August 10, 2005

One Of Those Days

Ever have one of those days where nothing really bad happens, but lots of little things go wrong? That was my day today. It started as I was leaving for work. Apparently Roland discovered the river down the hill from the house this morning. As I walked to my car he ran up to me to say good-bye like he always does. Only this time he was dipping wet. I of course was wearing light colored pants that didn't mix well with muddy river water. I had to go change. I also had fogotten that I needed to get gas and therefore needed to leave early. I hate running late for anything. It's just one of those things that makes me crazy. Traffic at least cut me a small break and I managed to get to work on time. Since I was running late, my normal parking spot in the deck was taken. In the process of backing into a different space I totally didn't see this big ass pole and backed right into it. No damage done to the Mustang, but it still irritated me. Unfortunately traffic didn't cut me enough of a break that I had time to stop and get coffee. "Hudson Hawk" was not a hugely successful movie. I know a lot of people who thought it sucked. Personally, I fucking loved it, but I digress. Bruce Willis spent the whole of the film trying to just get a cappuccino. I now know how he felt. I tried to get out of the shop several times today just to run next door to the bakery to grab some caffeine and was never able to pull it off. Me without caffeine is a bad thing. Then there were just little annoying things that went wrong at work. Computers that shut down for no reason. People not filling out orders correctly. The printer running out of toner in the middle of a rush. That kind of shit. To top it all off, my Iceman called and cancelled our dinner date for tonight. I know he's annoyed with me and that's his decision to make. I hope he gets over it. I'd really like to continue to see him. But whatever. I'm sorta over boys being boys at this point. What was really irritating to me about it was that I didn't bother to bring anything to eat for lunch because I had planned on having a real dinner. So by the end of the day I was grumpy, and tired, and hungry. So far the highlight of my day is the fact that one of the few good "Smallville" eps from last season is on tonight. How's that for stretching for a silver lining? Oh well. How it goes some times. I'm going to write today off as just being one of those odd, disorganized days that everyone has from time to time. Tomorrow will better. As long as I get some coffee in me everything will be just fine :)

"It is every artist's fantasy to run things. I know personally, I'd be happiest as dictator of a small island. The problem is that romantic artists are usually too disorganized to run their own lives, let alone societies. And most societies are too sensible to let them try it." -- Brad Holland

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