Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Contolled Chaos

Today was a very long day. It wasn't bad, just busy. Usually we have some down time, but the rush seemed to be never-ending today. And there wasn't anyone horribly exciting that came in either. S-boy is out of town for the rest of the week so unfortunately I won't have him around to distract me. Oh well. He did enough of that yesterday I guess. At least I had The Naked Indian to text with for part of the afternoon. That made the day much, much better :) It's nice to know I still have some very cool men in my life to keep things interesting... On the work front, things should get really crazy from here on out. The fall rush is just picking up and we will have a steady stream of actors needing new headshots and publicity shots between now and like the end of October. Well, at least the time should pass quickly. I am however very fucking tired and not feeling terribly creative so I'm going to cut this post short. Roland is doing well and seems glad to be home. I'm certainly glad to have him back.

“Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish.” -- Chuck Palahniuk

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