Thursday, July 21, 2005

Walking On The Sun

We are in the midst of the worst heat wave SoCal has seen in quite awhile. It’s been over 100 every day for at least a week now. On days like this, really the best thing to do is take a cold shower and then lie in bed naked and wait for the sun to go down. It’s a good thing my SmartWater has been on sale lately. I must be drinking gallons of the stuff these days. Even my dreams have been affected. Last night everything involved water or ice… granted there was also a naked man involved too. Well, at least I’m having lots of sex in my dream world. In the shower. In the pool. One particularly kinky one where he’s tracing ice cubes all over me… ok, we’re probably getting into TMI territory now. I’ll stop there since I’m sure the details about the one with the ice cream and my licking fetish would probably not be blog appropriate, but you get the idea :) Even my fish, Lucius is unhappy about the heat. I’ve had to refill his bowl twice this week because the water keeps evaporating… I went clothes shopping this morning. Now those of you who know me know how much I hate to shop. I love to spend other people’s money, but when I have to spend my own, it’s not so much fun. Still, I needed new clothes for work, so it was unavoidable. The upside was that everything I bought was a size 6. It’s been a long time since that happened. I think maybe my senior year in high school was probably the last time, so yeah, a really, really long time :) I guess all my stressing lately has been good for something. Now if I could just get a little more definition on these abs, things would be just peachy. I’m working on it, but as you all know, patience is not really my thing… I made a stop at the comic book shop today too. Lots of good books have come out in the last few weeks. That’s good. I needed stuff to read since finishing Harry Potter. These should keep me busy for a little while at least… Nothing else to report today. I think I’m going to take a nap and see if I can’t get my naked dream man to crack out the ice cream again. Then maybe I’ll go play some EQ. I could see spending some time in EverFrost tonight…

"Noble souls, through dust and heat, rise from disaster and defeat the stronger."-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll bring the ice cream over any time you want me to ;) Chocolate ok?