Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Happy Dance

I hate to be cliche, but what a difference a day makes! All the prayers and finger-crossing paid off and I got the job I wanted in spite of the fact that I was 45 minutes late for my second interview. They must have really liked me to overlook that. I did have to swear on pain of death that I would never be late again. Hehe. You better believe that I will get to know every back road and side street between here and Hollywood in the next few days. I don't start until Monday, so I've got the time. So what is this job? I'm going to be running a photo lab in Hollywood. They work only on headshots for actors and models. They work with all the major photographers in town and are very well respected in the biz. My main job is to keep all the part-time help in line. The people that work the counter and handlle orders and stuff will all report to me. They are all actors that this is their "day job" so it's dealing with all the fun that goes with that. (People calling out because they have to get to an audition. Having to deal with the fallout when they come in after having been turned down for a part. Just dealing with the "drama queen" aspect of working with actors. That kinda stuff.) So basically I'm a customer service supervisor again, only with a bit of a twist. The other aspect of my job is holding the hand of some of the higher profile clients when they come in. If Brad Pitt wants to take an hour picking out the font he wants to go on his new headshot, then I sit there with him and help him do it. It's a tough job, but someone has to... well, you know how the rest of that goes :) So it's an interesting position for me. They wanted someone with strong customer service skills that also had some sort of background in photography and film. That would be me. I'm thrilled to have gotten this job. It pays well. I love the people I'm going to be working with. I think it will be fun. It's in a really cool part of town too. We're on N Highland Ave about a block up from Sunset Blvd. I'm 3 blocks from the Hollywood and Highland complex where the Kodak Theatre is (for you non movie freaks, that's where they hold the Oscars every year). All the streets in LA you've heard of are right there. Hollywood Blvd. Sunset Blvd. Santa Monica Blvd. I can see the Hollywood sign from our building. Did I mention how happy I am about getting this job?!? The timing could not have been better. It has driven all my crazed obsessing about running after HWMNBN right out of my head. In fact, I choose not to talk about him on this blog at all anymore. I plan on being happy Angie for awhile now. She's been gone for far too long. I've kinda missed having her around. Thanks again to everyone for all the support, both yesterday and over the last few crazy weeks.

"Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." -- Buddha


Shan said...

Congratulations!! I'm glad you got the job you wanted and it sounds like it'll be interesting!

Anonymous said...


Now we do the dance of joy !!!


Anonymous said...

So I've been banished as a blog topic, have I? Glad you got the job. You seem much happier now. Sorry you missed the party.