Monday, July 25, 2005

The New Man In My Life

My post today should really be about my first day at my new job, but my boss got stuck out of town and so now I don't start work until tomorrow. Instead let's talk about my new boy. He's hairy, and he drools, and he doesn't wipe his feet when he comes in the house. His name is Roland and he's a German Shepherd puppy. The thing with the wolf didn't work out and I'd looked into adopting a couple of different Dalmatians, but apparently I was not supposed to have them either. So today I found myself back at the animal shelter. The next thing I knew I was leaving with this German Shepherd. He's 6-8 months old and is not the typical black and tan GSD you usually see. He's a color called red sable. Basically he's black and this bright coppery red. He's very cute. His ears don't stand up totally yet so he has this perpetual lop-sided look, but it gives him personality :) He knows basic commands, seems to be housebroken, and is still in a goofy puppy phase. Even so he's fairly calm. He rode in the car well and was unphased when I let him in my apartment. He looked around a little, then found a corner he liked and promptly feel asleep. He gets along great with Casper and even comes to me when I call him. Right now he is lying in front of the TV watching "Battlestar Galactica" very contentedly. He even has good taste in television shows. Can you tell I'm totally thrilled with him already? Here are some pics:

"You can say any foolish thing to do to a dog, and the dog will give you a look that says, 'My God, you're right! I never would've thought of that!'" -- Dave Berry

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