Thursday, July 28, 2005

Dog Tired

My big news today is that I'm an aunt again. My brother and his wife welcomed my new nephew into the world yesterday afternoon. His name was going to be Ryan, but at the last minute they changed their minds and decided he should have the same first name as my brother, so he is now Garett Giovanni. I don't know when I'll get home to meet him. I was going to go back Labor Day weekend, but I don't know that I'll be able to pull that off. I'll know better in a week or so. Otherwise, I might not get back until Christmas... Today was a long day. I got into work early because for some reason there was like no traffic. We ended up being really busy and I didn't even have a chance to leave for lunch. On top of all that I ended up having to stay late. At least traffic was good on the way home too. Still, it was not a bad day. I ended up talking to one of my favorite actresses on the phone and she was really, really nice. I also take back everything I said about the actors in this town being shallow. I didn't know what shallow was until I spent close to an hour on the phone with a male underwear model discussing retouching his portfolio pics to remove some freckles over his left nipple. Don't get me wrong, I didn't mind looking at pictures of a hot and mostly naked man for the better part of an hour, but still it was a really odd conversation... Roland is proving too smart for his own good. Today he managed to lock himself in my apartment. I let him out this morning before I left for work. I usually don't bother to lock the door. (I live out in the middle of nowhere and we have locking electric gates you have to get through to even get onto the property.) Well, my front door opens with a lever type handle that you push down on. Roland figured out how to work that pretty quickly. At some point he let himself in and then the door must have closed behind him because he couldn't get back out. He was good though and didn't do any damage when left to his own devices. He did get all his toys and several stuffed animals out and put them on my bed though. They were just piled up there when I got home. I guess he missed me :) Like most of the men in my life, he is awfully cute and very charming. He also didn't really do anything wrong so I couldn't be mad at him or anything. It was actually kinda funny and I felt bad that he ended up being cooped up inside for probably most of the day. I guess I'll have to start locking the door now... Ok, it's time for this little girl and her puppy to get some sleep. Tomorrow promises to be another long (but hopefully good) day.

"You know, everyone I know is fighting to get back what they had. I'm fighting because I don't know how to do anything else." - Katee Sackhoff - "Battlestar Galactica"

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