Monday, July 18, 2005

The Daily Prophet

I should have known that my plan to get 1/2 way through the new Harry Potter book yesterday was never going to work. By the time I hit that point, there was no turning back, no chance I was putting the book down. So I stayed up late and finished the whole damn thing. All 652 pages of it. I'm not going to really say anything about the book as I know most of the world hasn't finished it yet. Was it my favorite in the series? Not remotely. ("The Prisoner of Azkaban" and "The Order of the Phoenix" remain my 2 favs.) Still, it was a good read and set things up so that Book 7 should definitely be interesting. Now begins what I'm sure will be a 2+ year wait. Hopefully JK won't keep us waiting 3 years like she did between "Goblet of Fire" and "Phoenix." That would suck... Nothing else exciting to report today except to say that it's really fucking hot here again. 102ยบ on the sign at the bank when I drove by earlier. Even without humidity, that's too hot to do much of anything... To top it all off I'm sick as a dog today. I got out of bed long enough to make a run to the grocery store for water and juice and that was it. I'm feeling a bit better tonight, but I seriously hope this is just a 24-hour thing. I have a 2nd interview for a job that I really want and it would suck to go feeling like this. If that interview doesn't work out then I have another one lined up for later in the afternoon too. I really, really, really want this first one to work out though. I like the company, I like the people I've met, and I think it would be a fun place to work. It also pays better than most other jobs I've looked into since coming out here, which is definitely an added bonus. My interview is at 12:30 California time so if you happen to glance at a clock about that time, say a little prayer, or cross your fingers and toes, or whatever it is you do to wish good karma upon someone. I need all the help I can get.

"Age is foolish and forgetful when it underestimates youth." -- Albus Dumbledore - "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"


Anonymous said...

Toes, fingers, eyes.........but you better hurry I'm starting to get a headache ;) Break a leg sweets !

Shan said...

Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

You'll do brilliantly. I have a good feeling about this one. Might want to take your Felix Felicis before you go though. Just for good measure :) Call me and let me know how it goes. -- SK

Anonymous said...

gratz on the callback, baby. i'm sure you'll get it. i hope you're feeling better.