Sunday, July 17, 2005


So it's Sunday and I haven't really done much, but anything has to be an improvement over the past two days, right? I did talk to HWMNBN very briefly this morning. I was dead asleep when he called and didn't even look at the caller id before answering. It was a short conversation. He apologized for a bunch of shit. I told him I was glad he was sorry, as he very well should be, but that his apology changes nothing between us. He seemed sincere, and as I've said before, I wish him the best and hope he gets his life straightened out. Still, just talking to him for even a couple of minutes put me into kind of a funk. It really makes me sad that things turned out this way with him... I've spent most of my day so far reading "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince." I'm about a 1/3 of the way through it and things are starting to get interesting. I plan to at least reach the 1/2 way point before the day is out... I also made about $1000 today which is nice. I had put a couple of things up for sale on ebay last week and the auctions all closed today. Everything sold for much more than I had hoped to get. Woo and Hoo and God bless PayPal. I can just put that money directly into my checking account and not have to wait for checks to clear or anything... So against my better judgement I ended up going out with Dave last night. He called me about 10 and said he could get us into this club called Element. This is one of the weird invite-only clubs that are so popular in LA these days. This one has a bit of a twist though. To get in you either have to BE someone or know somone or you have to be one of the random people who gets invited on a given night. Here's how it works. You sign up for the club's mailing list. You give them an e-mail address, a cell #, and an instant messenger name and then they randomly e-mail, text message, or IM random people with a secret code. You show up at the club, give your name and the code, and then they let you in. Fucked up, huh? Still it's an interesting way to allow the "commoners" the opportunity to party with LA's glitterati. Dave knows someone at the club and that's how we got in. We had fun but it was a fairly uneventful kinda night. I didn't drink much and there was no one of particular interest at the club. There were a couple of TV faces I recognized and someone told me Seth Green was there, but I never saw him if he was. Dave is nice, but seemed to think that getting me into the club and buying me a couple of drinks meant I was going to sleep with him. He found out he was mistaken on that front. I can't say I wasn't tempted, but common sense prevailed (wow, when does that ever happen in my life?) and I went home alone... There are some days I wish I was as easy as people seem to think I am. I'd have a lot more sex if I was... I'd also probably hate myself more, so maybe things are better this way. I don't know. I'm in a weird place. I've discovered that I'm not particularly fond of the idea of being alone, but at the same time I just don't see myself trusting anyone new enough to get involved with them right now... Ok, enough of my neuroticness for today... Back to Harry Potter. I hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend!

"The artist is the only one who knows that the world is a subjective creation, that there is a choice to be made, a selection of elements." -- Anais Nin

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