Tuesday, March 08, 2005

The Tuesday Ramble

It's Tuesday. I have nothing to write about. I know I said I'd try to have more interesting posts this week, but my life is dull. I'm honestly at a loss. I'm also very fucking tired again. I was in bed by midnight. I slept fine. I don't know why I'm so freakin' tired. I got like 7 hours of sleep. I should be more well rested than this. I hate to blame work, but I have no other suspects, so work it is ;) Yesterday wasn't horrific. It probably could have been, but my boss is on vacation so that added a little shiny happiness to what would have otherwise been a gloomy, rainy Monday...I wore my fluffy socks today. They make me happy. Ok, so I'm a little odd. You all know this about me... Screening of "Hostage" tonight. I like Bruce Willis in these kinds of roles and I've heard good things about this one, so I'm optimistic... I'm going to get "Constantine" seen this weekend. Yes, I know I said that last week, but the planets weren't aligned right so I didn't get it done. I hereby vow to get it seen this weekend. I still want to see "Ong-Bak" too. And maybe "Robots." I feel like I should just spend a day at the theatre catching up, but I'm really not that far behind, and the weather the past few weekends has just been too nice to justify spending it indoors. I can watch movies on days that I can't spend outside with my horse... My horse is my latest dilemma. I really need to send her away to "school" for a few months. I could break her myself but just don't know that I want to do it. I'm not 16 and made out of rubber anymore. When I fall off horses now, it fucking hurts. I don't just bounce back like I used to. I don't really want to take the chance of getting hurt, so I'll probably send Callie off to a trainer for 60 days to at least get her started. That decision brings up a whole new set of problems. Trying to get horse in with most of the better trainers is kinda like trying to get a kid into a good prep school. There are waiting lists and considerable amounts of $$$ involved. I do sorta have an "in" with one trainer that I like. I previously had another horse with him so it's kinda like being an alumni or something. We'll see. I need to make some phone calls this weekend to see what I can work out... So, what else can I babble on about here? "Seinfeld" was a whole 1/2 hour show about nothing. Surely I can take up vast amounts of blog space with nothing as well. Granted, I have a meeting to go to in 5 minutes so there is a time factor involved here so I guess I'll just call it a day. At least tomorrow I'll have a movie review to post...

"I know not how I may seem to others, but to myself I am but a small child wandering upon the vast shores of knowledge, every now and then finding a small bright pebble to content myself with" -- Plato

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