Monday, March 07, 2005

In Every Generation There Is A Chosen One

On Saturday my brother and sister-in-law had a sonogram done and found out that I'm getting a new nephew in mid-August. We sat around and discussed potential names. At one point, when my brother came up with "Malachai" we told him he was being taken out of the naming process. He also came up with "Horatio" and "Yorrick" and "MacBeth." I told him it couldn't be MacBeth because then we'd always have to refer to the poor kid as "the Scottish child." Things got sillier from there. Still, a good time was had by all and I don't seriously think they'll end up naming him "Wulf." Other than that, not much to report. I spent most of the rest of my weekend with Joss Whedon and friends. I watched like 12 epsisodes of the final season of Buffy and a couple eps of Angel (Season 4) as well. Not a horribly productive way to spend a weekend, but what the fuck? No one said weekends had to be productive. In fact, they're usually better when they aren't. They're better when you can drink mojitos and just kick back and not have to think too hard about anything. So my weekend was fairly quiet. So shoot me... I did spend some time with my horse and ran a bunch of errands. See, not entirely unproductive. I contributed to society like a good consumer should... That's it. I have nothing else. I'll try and come up with more interesting posts the rest of the week. I'm just really fucking tired today for some reason. I'm not sure exactly why. I'm going to go get some caffeine and get this TPS report finished... oh wait, I don't have a TPS report. That's "Office Space." My movie life is bleeding into the real world again.... Whoo. For a minute there I thought I might actually have to work today or something ;)

"You're barking up the wrong asparagus, man." -- Thomas Lenk - "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"

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