Friday, March 04, 2005

Criminal Mastermind

I think I have a serious Peter Pan complex. Here I am, 33 years old and I found myself at the comic book shop last night at like 8PM. There was nothing new that came out this week that I had to have. I just happened to be driving past and felt the urge to browse so I stopped. It was like some tractor beam just pulling me in. Is there something wrong with me still reading comic books at my age? I think not. It makes me a geek of the first order, but I don’t think that means there is necessarily anything wrong with me. So anyway, I’m perusing the new titles for the week and discovered that DC is doing a 5-issue run of a book simply titled, “Lex Luthor.” Brian Azzarello is writing it and I’ve really taken a liking to his stuff as of late. I was thrilled with this find. Even before “Smallville” I was always a Lex fan. He’s one of the best villains ever. So I’m sitting on the floor thumbing through the book when my cell phone rings. It’s this actor friend of mine who has proven to be very “needy” the past few days :) I’ll go for weeks (hell, months) without actually talking to him and now I’ve talked to him like every day this week I think. I was like, “Hey, I was just thinking about you. I’m sitting here reading a comic about your favorite super villian.” He of course already knew the book was out. He’s a bigger geek than I am. I talked to him for a bit and got nasty looks from the other customers in the shop. I guess talking on your cell while in the store is frowned upon in comic book circles. I don’t know. I was being fairly quiet. I finally turned to one guy who was staring me down and told him I was talking to Lex Luthor and he backed off. I just got scared looks from people after that. Woo Hoo! The comic book freaks now think I’m a fucking nut! That’s an accomplishment. So, it was an amusing evening at Oxford Comics… I have nothing else interesting to report. I’m just glad it’s Friday. No big plans for the weekend really. I am going to see “Constantine.” I’ve put it off the past 2 weeks so hopefully the 3rd week’s the charm... Lindy and I may cruise by the Roxy on Saturday night to check out Danzig. Our friend Bevin is the drummer and we haven’t seen him in ages… It’s also looking like my truck may need some major work done and it seems stupid to put a couple grand of repairs into a vehicle with almost 90k miles on it, so a new car may be in my future sooner than planned. That being said, I may go test drive new Mustangs on Sunday if the weather is nice. I’ll just have to see how the weekend goes… Happy Friday all!

"Picture it. The sun, the sea, hundreds of women just like her running around, and me, the first man they've seen in.. oh, maybe forever? Oh, and look what I brought! Ice Mochas for everyone! Sweet!" -- Michael Rosenbaum (The Flash) -- "Justice League"

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