Thursday, March 03, 2005

Long Live The Organization For The Organized

I went the entire month of February without seeing a movie in the theatre. There is something not right about that. Granted, there was nothing out that I just HAD to see, but since when has that ever stopped me? Last night was the 99X screening of “The Jacket.” I honestly had very little knowledge of this movie going in. I knew Adrien Brody and Keira Knightly were in it and that was about it. It was a seriously fucked up film. Sorta “12 Monkeys” meets “Jacob’s Ladder” meets “Angel Heart.” Solid performances all around. Adrien Brody was really good and Keira Knightly actually got to act a little bit rather than just stand around and look pretty. It’s a harsh film, shot with a high contract technique that makes everything a little surreal and “edgy.” I wouldn’t recommend it for people who have a problem with small spaces as Brody’s character spends a large portion of the film stuck inside a morgue drawer. Still, I liked it and thought it was well done. There were some things I would have changed, but overall they did a good job. If you like weird movies, I suggest checking it out.

“You can’t break something that’s already broken.” – Kris Kristofferson – “The Jacket”

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