Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Praying To The Snow Gods

I woke up at about 3:30AM as I heard a car skidding on the road in front of my apartment. When I looked out the window there was beautiful, white fluffy snow and it was coming down hard. I was soooo sure I was not going to have to come in to work today and did the happy dance of joy. (Well, I danced in my head anyway. I was not about to get out of my toasty bed and actually dance, not even for the appeasement of the snow gods.) Sadly, when my alarm went off at 7:00 the snow was gone. It was like a barely remembered dream. It’s not nice to tease me like that. It actually snowed and I don’t get anything out of it. (Maybe it was because I didn't actually do the happy dance of joy. Those damn snow gods can be so fickle sometimes.) I should so be at home right now, curled up in bed, rather than trapped here at work... What with the trips to Asheville and Bartlesville, I haven’t really been in the office much the past 2 weeks and it’s been great. The thought of actually having to sit in my cube all day is just mind-numbing. I do have a project to work on later in the week which should prove very time consuming, but until then it’s just a matter of playing catch up on all the stuff I haven’t done while I was out of town. Yippee-fucking-skippy... The lottery is up to $112 million for tonight. How great would that be? I would love nothing better than to be able to call my boss tomorrow and let her know that I’m not coming back to work, EVER. Hell, I might not even call. I would maybe just not show up. Is that petty of me? Maybe. Not really caring though… My work calendar is showing that I’m supposed to be off tomorrow. I do not recall requesting March 2nd off. I have no reason to take March 2nd off. But my calendar says I’m supposed to have March 2nd off. Hmmm… interesting… very interesting… It’s snowing again, and hard. Maybe it will start to stick and we can all go home… and then not have to work tomorrow… Do you sense a pattern here? Something about me and not working tomorrow…

"Getting an inch of snow is like winning 10 cents in the lottery." -- Bill Watterson - "Calvin and Hobbes"

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