Sunday, March 13, 2005

Hedging My Bets

So headache and all I went over to lawyer-boy's place last night. I've been watching too much "Angel" lately. Every time he says something about "the senior partners" I find it horribly amusing. I tried to explain it to him, but he didn't see the humor in it. Guess you have to be a fan of the show.... So anyway, it turns out he lives at the Four Seasons. That's like 2 blocks from my apartment. I find it kind of strange that he lives so close to me. I drive by there practically every day and had no idea. He cooked me dinner and we hung out and watched a movie. He's very cute and very charming and for some reason I'm just not attracted to him. I still don't get why not. I'm also not quite sure why I went over there. I guess I was bored and figured I would play nice. You never know when you might need a lawyer or a rich friend to bail you out of something :) If he wants to hang out and be friends, I'm fine with that, but made it very clear to him that I'm not interested in us being anything other than friends. He said he was ok with that, but I think that he thinks he can change my mind. Today he invited himself along to go see my horse and then we went and test drove a new Mustang. He didn't seem impressed with it, but then I guess when you drive a $400K Porsche, a $25K Mustang just doesn't do it for you. He was actually kind of a snob about it. I had forgotten how arrogant he can be sometimes. Maybe this whole being friends with him thing won't work out either. He really annoys me sometimes. He just thinks he's better than everyone else and that gets really old, really fast. I guess I'd better hope he never reads this blog. That would be bad, but it would definitely mean I wouldn't have to worry about him calling and asking me out again...

"No gold-digging for me... I take diamonds! We may be off the gold standard someday." -- Mae West

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