Tuesday, February 15, 2005

I Promise I'm a Good Egg

I'm in Asheville, NC once again. I couldn't figure out a way to get out of it short of quitting. Although, I guess I could have refused to go and see what happened. I don't think they would have fired me for it, but with bonuses coming out on Friday I just wasn't willing to take that chance. This is a stupid fucking trip and the trip to Bartlesville next week is even dumber. We aren't doing anything in particular. We're supposed to be cheerleading or something and I'm so not the cheerleading type. My time is being wasted on these trips. There is stuff at work I need to be getting done this week. And I'm missing a screening of "Constantine" tonight and a screening of "Cursed" next Thursday. There are things like that I could be doing back in the ATL. All sorts of fun things (and no, I didn't mean playing EverQuest, although I would much rather be doing that than hanging out in a hotel room by myself watching TV. On the upside, "Scrubs" is on and they're making jokes about licking and blowjobs, so at least it's good TV :) I would give anything to go back in time 24 hours. Monday night was a good night. Quiet. Laid back. Happy. I don't know why it is that there are some people I can be around and I don't feel I have to put on any kind of act. I can just be my quiet, kinda geeky self. I don't feel compelled to fill silences and I don't feel self-conscious. I like that. It's peaceful. I need more people in my life that can quiet down the voices in my head and help make the stress of work go away. Actually no, I just need to spend more time with the people like that that I already have. I don't tell them how much I appreciate them. I'm a bad friend sometimes. I try hard not to be, but it doesn't always work out that way.... Wow, this post took an odd turn. Not sure where that came from. Must be the altitude here in Asheville or something. For some reason I'm kinda horny, I'm not nearly tired enough, I'm ready to be home, and I'm trapped here for another day and a half. Thursday can't come soon enough...

"A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked." -- Bernard Meltzer

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