Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Eating Phallic Desserts In Toontown With Lex Luthor

I had some fucked up dreams last night. I don't know what it is about sleeping in hotels, but it usually gives me weird dreams. That was definitely the case last night. I don't remember the last time I watched "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" but for some reason my brain decided it would be fun to spend the night in Toontown. Seriously. Everything was animated, including some of my friends. I wasn't, but everything else was. I did have some interesting toon-like super powers (like the ability to fly) so at least I didn't miss out on some of the benefits that come from being animated :) If that had been the case, I would have been seriously annoyed. I mean, what's the point of being in Toontown if you can't bend some of the rules of reality? Anyway, it was very odd. Very disconcerting. Ever seen Brad Pitt in "Cool World?" You'll get the idea.... So I've decided Asheville isn't such a bad little town. I'd actually probably really like it here if work was not involved. We went out to eat at this awesome noodle house tonight. I mean, this place was really, really good. I was shocked and pleasantly surprised. For dessert I had this banana wrapped in rice paper with a vanilla honey sauce that was almost better than sex. In fact, if I could bring this sauce home and lick it off of someone, I think I could die happy ;) Still, I'm glad we're headed back tomorrow... "Smallville" and "Lost" are both new tonight. I'm sorta torn as to which one I should watch. I've been kind of disappointed with "Smallville" recently. Michael has had like a scene or two per ep for weeks now. That's not cool. He is THE reason to watch that show. Next week is supposed to be a Lex-centric episode so I'm optimistic about that one. My hopes for tonight are not so grand. Tonight we get to meet Superdog - never one of my favorite aspects of the comic book. On top of that, Lois is in this ep too. A potential double badness whammy. Still, my VCR at home is recording "Lost" so if I want to see "Smallville" at all then I guess that's the one I should watch. It's just that "Lost" has been so fucking good lately that I really don't want to put it off until tomorrow. Decisions. Decisions. I guess I could have more complicated choices to make in my life than what TV show to watch. All I can say is that Michael better be in this episode for more than 5 freakin' minutes...

"Now you're saving people in your dreams too. Bet a shrink would have a field day with that scenario." -- Michael Rosenbaum - "Smallville"

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