Friday, February 18, 2005

Only Dr Seuss Understands Me Anymore

I'm running on virtually no sleep here so I apologize in advance if this post makes no sense. I've been up since about 6:30 yesterday morning... ok, that's not entirely true. I took a "power nap" from about 3AM-4:30AM this morning. I then got up and came into work at 5:00. Here's how the madness started... I awoke in Asheville, NC on Thurs morning. My boss and I worked in ASH for a couple of hours and then drove back to Atlanta. I should have gone home and taken a nap or something, but I didn't. I spent the afternoon and evening hanging out with friends which is a helluv a lot more fun than sleeping so... I left my apartment around 2:30 and didn't get home until after 9:00. Now, a rational person (which we all know I'm not) would have gone to bed at this point. Instead I got on EQ (of course) and played until like midnight. At which point food was suggested and I found myself sitting at the Waffle Hose drinking coffee and eating hashbrowns. By the time I got home from that little excursion it was well after 1AM. So I figured the night was a wash at that point. There was really no sense in my going to bed at all. So I got back on EQ and played for like another 2 hours and figured I'd then nap for an hour or so and then come in to work. It's so nice and dark and peacefully quiet here before everyone else comes in. I have this project I'm working on that is best done when no one else is around so really fucking early in the morning is honestly the best time to do it. So that's my plan. I'm going to crank out this report, respond to some e-mails, and then drag my very tired ass home to bed. Now, if I can only avoid falling asleep between now and then... And BTW, does anyone know what day it is now? I seem to have lost track...

"How did it get so late so soon? Its night before its afternoon. December is here before its June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?" -- Dr. Seuss

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