Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Com-Shucking With The Groosalugg

Turns out I am very popular in Oklahoma. Remember at the end of "Angel" (Season 2) where Cordy got sucked into Pylea and was made princess because of her visions? It's sorta like that. I don't really get it. Granted, most of the girls around here seem kinda scary and most of the ones in the call center are scary and married. I guess that leaves the young, unattached guys constantly on the prowl and they must not be used to girls like me. I think I really fucking intimidate some of them. Which is kinda power-trippy for me, and not really something I was trying to do, but I'm still kind of amused by it. Before we left, my boss told me I could not wear jeans while we were here in Bartlesville. To me that translates into wearing business casual clothes. My boss and the other supes were all in khakis, but I'm not a khakis and button-down shirt kinda girl, ya know? So I've dressed up the last 2 days. That seemed to have stunned the natives. A lot of them would not even look me in the eye, but it also garnered 3 of the braver guys into asking me out to dinner tonight. After questioning them to make sure that none of them were heirs to oil or cattle fortunes, I politely turned them down. Suffice it to say that I will not be com-shucking with any of the local Groosaluggs. They were all young and cute, but I just don't need to go out with an Okie I'm never going to see again. Christian Kane (who played Lindsay on "Angel") would be the exception to that. He grew up in OK and if he happened to be home visiting mom or something this week, I'd be all over that. He is seriously yummy, especially with all the tats he's sporting in Season 5 ;) So I'm back in Atlanta tomorrow. I can't wait. Today wasn't horrible and I'll only have to actually work like 2 hours tomorrow, but I'm ready to be home.

"He is very fortunate to have such a woman looking after his weapon." -- Mark Lutz (The Groosalugg) - "Angel"

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