Wednesday, January 26, 2005

The Padded Room

Hey, this title actually applies to both things I want to blog about. Nifty...

First up we have the fact that I got summoned for jury duty. I was on the standby list and was crossing my toes that I wouldn't have to report, but no such luck. My number came up and I'm going to have to sit in the jury room (jury room, padded room, get it?), bored out of my fucking skull, for the day. I can't decide if that's worse than going to work or not. Seriously, it's a tough call. If nothing else, I guess I'll be able to put a dent in Book 2 of the "Dark Tower" series....

26 days into January and I finally saw my 3rd movie of the year. That's so sad. On the upside, I haven't paid to see anything yet. They've all been screenings. This tme it was "Hide & Seek." It wasn't a bad film, but as seems to be the case lately, it wasn't great either. It was a little slow and fairly predicatable. A little creepy in spots, but definitely not scary. It was sorta "The Shining" meets "What Lies Beneath." Dakota Fanning totally made it worth sitting through though. I really like this kid. She plays creepy and crazy in the way that Christina Ricci and Winona Ryder used to. DeNiro wasn't bad and I liked Famke Janssen too. Still, not worth paying to see. I need to go see a good movie and break this crappy streak I've been on lately. I guess this weekend I'll try and get "House of Flying Daggers" or "Million Dollar Baby" seen...

"None of us can predict the final outcomes of our actions, and few of us even try; most of us just do what we do to prolong a moment's pleasure or to stop the pain. And even when we act for the noblest reasons, the last link of the chain all too often drips with someone's blood." -- Stephen King - "Lunch at the Gotham Cafe"

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