Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Miss Me?

A good friend of mine said to me recently that taking Wednesdays off is a good idea. You work 2 days, have a day off, work 2 more days, and then have the weekend. I decided that was a damn good idea and am taking his advice by not working today. In fact, I'm taking next Wednesday off as well. Maybe I'll take the one after that too. We'll just have to see how life goes. Still, I didn't want to leave my beloved Readers without a post for the day, and I'm up, so here it is. What am I going to do with my day of freedom? Well, I'd like to spend it in bed with a seriously sexy guy, but since that's just wistful thinking on my part, I guess I'll have to find other ways of entertaining myself. I do plan to sleep until I wake up. No alarms. No meetings to rush to. Just sweet blissful sleep populated by beautiful men who will let me pursue my licking fetish to my heart's content ;) The weather looks like it's going to be nice so I plan to spend some time at the barn. My horse, Callie won't know what to do if I show up in the middle of the week. She usually only gets to see me on the weekends. Basically I'm not going to do much of anything. I'm just going to fuck around and not be at work. So enjoy your day. I know I will.

"I think you can experience everything you dreamed of - it just won't happen the way you thought it would." -- Kevin Spacey

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