Friday, January 28, 2005

Bored Now

I realize that my posts for the past 2 days have been real yawners. It can't be helped. Even my life is uneventful from time to time, and this week can definitely be characterized as "uneventful." Well, maybe not entirely uneventful. Tuesday evening was interesting, but I'm sure as hell not about to share that info with you people. Use your imagination ;)

Since it's Friday, I guess I'll take a swing at the fences in a vain hope that I can make up for my less-than-interesting posts for the past few days. So, let's talk about sex. It seems as good a topic as any and it always makes for interesting discussion. (It was suggested to me recently that I should do a blog on "perfect fellatio" techniques, but I think I'll save that one for another day. I was thinking more just random thoughts on sex in general.) Is there such a thing as bad sex? Sure, there's good sex, and great sex, and then there's GREAT sex, but on the flip side shouldn't there be bad sex as well? Logically, you would think that should be the case, right? I guess I have been fortunate not to have had bad sex with anyone. (Seriously disturbing sex on one occassion, but I'm not going to get into that here. That's a blog for a much darker day, if ever.) Sure, some of my "encounters" have been better than others (in fact, I can easily name the 2 people at the bottom of my list without any trouble), but most of them have at least been really good, and a few even fall into the "mind-blowing" category. (Not that I've "had" that many guys. I talk big, but you know those "Top 13" lists I'm so fond of keeping? Well, a list of the guys I've slept with wouldn't even give me a complete list.) So how is it that I've managed to avoid having bad sex? Is it just me? Maybe only I thought it was great and the guys didn't feel that way, but I've never had any complaints ;) Is it because that in most cases I've had some sort of "connection" with the men that I've slept with. (You think I'm picky about the friends I keep? You should see how choosy I am when it comes to the guys I fuck.) Maybe I've been lucky and the guys I've been with were all just really talented. I don't know. If that's the case, then I wish such luck on everyone. When you think about it, sex is such an odd activity anyway. I guess it's probably better if you don't think about it too much. Just go with your instincts. Do what feels right. Do what feels good. Sometimes doing very bad things can turn out to be really fucking good if you do them right ;) Maybe it's the people who put too much thought into it that are the ones having the bad sex. Again, I don't know. I'm just rambling here. I get sex on my brain sometimes and you never know what I might say or do. It's like a drug or something. I blame the dreams I had while I was napping yesterday afternoon. (I blame them for my sudden craving for bangers and mash when I was at Fado last night as well, but again, different blog, different day. Soooo not going into the symbolism of that today.) On that note, I should probably stop while I'm ahead.... or at least before I say anything worse... (Wow! I sure had a lot of these "side notes" in my post today, didn't I? I'm beginning to write like Stephen King...)
So, everyone have a great weekend and go out there and have some mind-blowing sex!

"This is a dumb world. In my world, there are people in chains and we can ride them like ponies." -- Alyson Hannigan - "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"

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