Monday, January 10, 2005

Movie Wasteland

It's 10 days into January and I have not seen a movie in the theatre yet... and I'm not horribly distraught about it. How's that for sticking to my "not obsessing" resolution? Last year at this time, I think I had already seen like 5 films... Of course I've got 3 screenings this week, so I do plan to remedy my movieless state in a big way. Tuesday is "Elektra," Wednesday is "The Woodsman," and Thursday is "In Good Company." Also, "House of Flying Daggers" finally opens here this Friday. Can't wait to see that one. I realize there are people out there that don't see 4 films in a year and I'm going to do 4 in a week and will feel like I'm behind. My obsessive streak is ingrained fairly deeply into my psyche. I can't overcome it completely overnight. Still, you have to admit, I am getting better :)

"Single-mindedness is all very well in cows or baboons; in an animal claiming to belong to the same species as Shakespeare it is simply disgraceful." -- Aldous Huxley

PS - It was pointed out to me that I initially forgot to include my daily profanity in this post. Well, fuck! There you go, at least I have my dear readers to keep me on track ;) Thanks for the catch Mikey!

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