Monday, January 17, 2005

In the Presence of a Master

I like art. Always have. I generally prefer my art a little edgy and surreal (Dali, Cezzanne, Chagall, Munch, Picasso, etc) so have never really gone in much for the Impressionists. I like some Monet. I like some Van Gogh. ("Crows Over the Wheatfield" is one of my all-time favorite works.) The High Museum has had a big Van Gogh exhibition going on for the past few months. I kept meaning to go and just never got around to it. I had seen "Starry Night" when it was here a couple years back and "Crows" never leaves Amsterdam so I wasn't too broken up about not going. Well, Sunday was the closing day of the exhibit and my brother, Garett and my sister-in-law, Michele really, really wanted to see it so I agreed to go along. I'm glad I did. There ended up being a couple of his works that I didn't know and really liked. In particular there is one called "Pine Trees at Sunset" that was truly amazing. It's a fairly dark piece for a Van Gogh. He painted it towards the end of his life when he was starting to get really fucking crazy, so maybe that was why I liked it as much as I did. So, like I said, I'm glad I went. It was a nice quiet way to spend the afternoon and I needed that after the craziness of the past few days.

"Happiness isn't happiness without a violin-playing goat." -- Julia Roberts - "Notting Hill"

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