Thursday, January 20, 2005

Good Enough to Lick

I'm going to continue to focus on being happy. I'm not going to stress over my job. If I'm meant to be doing something else then eventually I will find what I am seeking. Call it Fate. Call it Karma. Call it God. If the Powers-That-Be (yes, that's an "Angel" reference for those of you who might have missed it) see fit to send me down another path, then I'll be ready, with my bags packed, when the time comes for me to take that journey. In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy the things in my life that make me happy. My horse, my friends, my family, my writing. I refuse to waste any more of my time on things that only threaten to drag me back into the throes of the depression that I have been so prone to lately. It just takes too much out of me to fight against things and people and opinions that I have no control over anyway. So let's all just take some Percocet, wash it down with some good strong coffee, and eat some blueberry donut holes and everything will be ok...

On a sorta related note (a bizarre, fucked-up, sorta related note anyway), I have developed this weird oral fixation lately. I keep wanting to lick things. People mostly. I just happened to notice recently that I seem to make a lot of references to licking things all of a sudden. Apparently the other night when I was somewhat inebriated I kept asking if I could lick people at the bar. Fortunately I have good friends who try to keep me out of trouble when I drink too much and to the best of my knowledge I didn't actually follow through on that impulse :) Then there was the incident with this cute guy I was flirting with at CPK a week or so ago and as we were leaving I asked Lindy if she thought it would freak him out if I ran back up to the window and licked the glass next to where he was sitting. I had a distinct visual image of it in my head that at the time didn't seem all that strange. Reality took hold and I didn't actually do it, but still... I've been having these thoughts a lot. They usually involve licking certain specific people in certain specific places, but let's not get into those details here ;) Maybe I'm just really horny. Maybe I have a salt deficiency. Maybe I'm just fucking insane. Anything is possible. I guess whatever makes me happy, huh?

"Blowjobs make the world go 'round, just in case you still thought it was love." -- Jill Conner Browne

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