Friday, December 31, 2004
Once More Into the Abyss
Most "best of" lists are usually Top 10 affairs (the freaks at CHUD do Top 15) so I'll be different as well and stick with my lucky 13 thing. Here are my Top 13 movies of 2004. A lot of these probably won't be winning any awards or anything. They are just films I liked for various reasons.
13) The Aviator - Scorsese's best film since "Goodfellas." This one will win some awards. A visually stunning film with outstanding performances by DiCaprio and Blanchett.
12) Ocean's Twelve - very different from it's predecessor and proof that sometimes different is good. In many respects I liked this one better than "Ocean's Eleven." Just an all around fun movie with a great cast.
11) The Bourne Supremacy - Another sequel that I liked better than the original. Edgy, smart action movie. Matt Damon is great.
10) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Charlie Kaufman is a great writer. This movie is no exception. Anyone who can get Jim Carrey to demonstrate that his acting actually has some range, has to be a good writer. A fucked up movie with good performances all around. Even Kirstin Dunst was less annoying than usual.
9) The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra - I'm thinking this one probably won't be showing up on too many other lists, which is kind of a shame. An homage to old, bad sci-fi movies, this is one of the funniest fucking movies ever. The filmmakers had no budget and they still went out and just got this thing made. It's stupid and hysterical and brilliant.
8) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Best film in the series so far. It is also my favorite of the books so they could have really screwed it up for me. Gary Oldman does a good job of portraying Sirius Black but I still would have cast someone else. It's a Harry Potter film. You either like them or you don't. I love them.
7) Hero - God bless Quentin Tarantino. This is a brilliant film and it would have been a shame if QT had not convinced Miramax to give it a theatrical release here in the US. It's a beautiful and amazing piece of filmmaking.
6) Finding Neverland - Johnny Depp is one of the best actors working today. In a career filled with memorable and amazing performances this is one of his best, so that has to say something about the caliber of this film. Nominations due all around for Picture, Actor, Writing.
5) Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow - The fact that a Gwyneth Paltrow movie made my Top 5 for the year is borderline amazing. Of course, Jude Law and Angelina Jolie are in it too so that must offset the Gwyneth factor. This is just a fun movie. It requires an enormous suspension of disbelief. It's like watching a comic book. I loved virtually every frame.
4) Sideways - As far as the awards shows go, this is the film to beat this year. It's an amazing work. It is well written, well acted, and beautifully shot. I see lots of little statues in it's future. It's an important movie with performances that will be talked about for years to come. I love Johnny Depp in "Finding Neverland," but I don't think he can beat Paul Giamatti.
3) The Incredibles - I love all the Pixar movies. There isn't a one that I can't watch over and over again. That being said, this is my favorite Pixar film. I'm a comic book geek. I love superhero movies. The graphics are the best we've seen yet. The story is funny and the whole cast just pours themselves into their characters. I honestly can't say enough about how great this movie is.
2) Shaun of the Dead - This film brought us a whole new film genre. The "rom-zom-com." A romantic comedy about zombies. Who would've thunk? One of the best thinga about it is that it was totally a labor of love. The filmmakers are all friends who just wanted to make a movie. So they did. They scraped the money together and just went out and made the movie they wanted to make and they did it right. There is nothing low budget about this film. I can't begin to do this movie justice. The best I can say is go buy it or rent it or whatever. Just see it. It's funny and quirky and I loved it. It's a bloody brilliant film and it almost made my #1 spot for the year.
1) Garden State - There was never really any question what my favorite film of the year was. Zach Braff's directorial debut is not just my favorite film for this year but one of my favorites ever. This film has ended up on practically every "best of" list I've seen for the year. It's very non-traditional and slightly absurdist. The cast is great. The script is damn near perfect and it's a shame Zach didn't get a GG nom for it. I don't think the Academy will nominate him either, which just goes to show that most of them are probably idiots. This is a classic film.
Honorable Mentions: Alfie, Beyond the Sea, Collateral, Hidalgo, Kill Bill - Vol 2, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, Napolean Dynamite, Phantom of the Opera, Primer, Spider-Man 2. There were a lot of good movies this year. It was one of the strongest years for film in a long while. 2005 has a lot to live up to.
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all doing direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only." -- Charles Dickens - "A Tale of Two Cities"
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Wow, I think that was my longest review of the year... and it's about a Kevin Spacey film, go figure... Just think what would happen if Kevin and Angelina did a movie together. My review might go on for days :)
"Memories are like moonbeams. We do with them what we want." -- Kevin Spacey - "Beyond the Sea"
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Promises to Break
1) Get back into my Size 6 jeans - this was actually my goal to hit before the end of 2004, but then the holidays rolled around so it kinda got put on hold for a few weeks...
2) Have the body to wear a bikini again this summer - ok, so this one sorta goes with #1. I could probably combine these 2 under just a general "get into better shape" kinda resoultion, but what the hell. Having the abs to look good in a bikini falls into a whole different realm than just losing weight. Is it wrong to want to have an ass you can bounce quarters off of? I could have worse ambitions...
3) Stop annoying my friends - I get a little neurotic sometimes and unfortunately for the people close to me that means they get caught in the crossfire from time to time. I'll try to keep the casualties to a minimum next year...
4) Save more $$$ - I am 33 now. I should be thinking about the future. I'm not good at that. I'm more of an instant gratification chic. If I want something I just buy it. I need to be less impulsive about some of the stuff I buy. This one will be tough to keep...
5) Avoid my ex - this will be the first time in 10 years that I won't have to deal with him. That alone could make 2005 the best year ever.
6) Have more sex - 2004 broke me out of a looooong dry spell. I don't look to repeat that again. Ever.
7) Keep posting to my blog - well duh!
8) Finish the book and the screenplay I'm working on - I got back on track with my writing. I just need to keep it up.
9) Stop being so obsessive - I tend to fixate on certain things. Often unhealthy things. This is why I don't do drugs (anymore). I know I have an addictive personality. I need to learn when to take a step back and reevaluate my priorities sometimes...
10) Be happier about my job - wether I stay at ELNK or end up somewhere else (please God let me find something else!) I need to be happier at work. A large portion of my life is invested in work. It should be something I enjoy doing...
11) Play more video games - this one will probably lead to me breaking rule #9, but what the fuck. I've discovered I like gaming (or at the very least playing EverQuest). I might as well embrace my geekiness to it's fullest potential, especially since I just invested some considerable $$$ in a new gaming system. (See, I told you #4 was going to be hard for me to keep.)
12) Be more open and honest with my friends - I tend to keep things bottled up inside of me. With very rare exceptions I don't tell even my best friends what I'm feeling. This will be a hard one for me. I just don't like to burden other people with my problems. I know they have enough of their own. I know it's hard for people who read this blog to believe that I'm not good with sharing information with others, but that's different. It's so much easier to put things in writing than to confront people directly.
13) Get a new tattoo - I've gone without a new tat almost as long as I went without sex. That needs to get remedied.
13 is a good number for me so we'll stop there. I'm sure there is a lot more I could resolve to do, but let's stick with a semi-workable list. Don't want to get too ambitious :)
"Good resolutions are simply checks that men draw on a bank where they have no account." -- Oscar Wilde
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Someone Crazier Than Me
On a somewhat related note (in my world anyway), the true Best Picture of the year is out on DVD today. So run out now and pick up your copy of "Garden State!" What are you waiting for? Go! Now!
"We may not always be as happy as you always dreamed we'd be, but for once, let's just allow ourselves to be whatever it is we are. " -- Zach Braff - "Garden State"
Sunday, December 26, 2004
"Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends." -- W.B. Yeats
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Voices in My Head
It's been a fucked up week. Mostly it's been good. I've gotten to spend some time with a friend of mine that I don't see nearly as often as I would like. I finally extricated myself from a particularly destructive relationship. I am going to get to spend some time with the family the next fews days. Overall, not bad. Things could definitely be worse so I really shouldn't complain, but I still have this overwhelming sense of melancholy. Maybe I'm bi-polar. Maybe I need to be on lithium or something... a new job would probably do it too. I soooo need to be doing something else. Life is too fucking short to be trapped in a job that makes you unhappy. I know this, I keep saying this, and still I can't seem to get out. It's not that I'm not keeping my eyes and ears open for other possibilities. I'm always looking, so maybe in the new year my dream job will finally fall into my lap. Here's hoping I get that call anyway...
Let's see, what else to babble on about...? I need a new computer. I have an AlienWare laptop that I love, but it doesn't do what I need it to do now. Turns out that laptops are not good choices if you want to seriously get into gaming. (Which I for one, never thought I would do.) The graphics cards in even the high end performance models are not designed for the extreme graphics that most of the newer games out there have. It's looking like I need to get a desktop model. I'm trying to decide if I can justify it. One of the little voices in my head (the semi-rational one) keeps telling me I'm nuts to go out and buy a new computer (especially since I have a perfectly good one already) just so I can play some freakin' video games. Then another voice (a much louder and much more fun-loving one) keeps saying, "Fuck it. Life is short. Do whatever the hell you want." I hear from that voice a lot. It's gotten me into more trouble than I care to recall. Are we taking bets on what I decide? I've already got what I want configured on the AlienWare order site. It's a screaming little machine. All I have to do is click that "submit" button. Ah, decisions, decisions....
"Studies have shown that people who complain live longer. Yeah, there's always the possibility that this is because the people who have to listen to them die sooner, but who's to say?... Want health and longevity? Be a pain in the ass." -- Susan Jane Gilman
Monday, December 20, 2004
Hell Hath No Fury
"All the old knives that have rusted in my back, I drive in yours."
Phaedrus (Thrace of Macedonia) - "Fables" --Appendix (VI, 11)
To top it all off, my horoscope is really good again today:
"You can finally put whatever has been bothering you lately on the back burner. You may be a fire sign, but you spend the next few days walking on air -- or maybe on water. Wherever you go, others throw themselves shamelessly at your feet. The impossible seems routine to you right now. You're thrilled at the prospects in front of you and happy to be alive. Go out and do something you never dreamed you'd get the chance to do. A certain someone could call with an interesting offer -- the one you've been waiting for."
Absolute Power
"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." -- Lord Acton
Now, if only I could find someone who wants to let me corrupt them...
Sunday, December 19, 2004
A Bored Neurotic's Series of Random Updates
For lack of anything better to write about, here are some updates to some recent blogs I had posted:
Update #1 is in regards to the incident with my ex the other night. He was not at all pleased that I called his current girlfriend and filled her in on all the bullshit that's been going on. I admit it was petty and vindictive of me to call her, but he deserved it, and it was kinda fun (for me anyway). Still, I had an ulterior motive for doing it. I was seriously hoping she would kill him. No such luck, but it sounds like it was a near thing :) He has left me several ugly voice-mails and sent me some even uglier e-mails and it's just been ugliness all around. I am actually taking a sort of perverse pleasure in his anger. Call me an evil bitch, but he brought this on himself and I'm going to revel in his misery for as long as I possibly can. Eternal damnation in the deepest circle of Hell would be too good for him at this point... Mainly I'm just pissed off that he forced me to sink to his level in all this. I am not normally a vindictive person. It takes a hell of a lot to piss me off. I have remained on good terms with most of my ex-boyfriends over the years. I don't believe that everything needs to end badly. Chances are that if I liked a guy enough to date him, then we had other things in common aside from just physical attraction.. and we still had those things in common even after the relationship ended. I thought that was the case here, but it seems that I was woefully wrong. I desperately tried to salvage a friendship out of it, but it obviously was not meant to be. It makes me sad that things have turned as vicious as they have, but I guess that was what needed to happen. Ilicet et super, denique.
Update #2 - My friend Wes finally called me. He got home to Phoenix safely and had a long chat with his girlfriend. She was not seeing anyone else. Things are so much more complicated than that. Turns out she is having his kid. She's due the end of April. He seemed happy about it, but he's a hard guy to read sometimes. He and I had had a conversation recently about this very thing. He told me that he wants kids but not right now. He travels a lot and is gone for months at a time. This will mean a major change for him. I hope everything works out for them. Still, I know he'll be a great dad and he'll do everything for this kid. He and Claire (his girlfriend) have not decided if they are going to get married yet, but they have decided that if the baby is a boy they are going to name him Colin. I think that's great. Colin would be very pleased and would have been a fabulous uncle.
This needs to be a good week. I feel like I've been on a fucking roller coaster lately. My past has been haunting me and my future is shrouded in darkness. I need someone to polish my crystal ball or re-shuffle my tarot cards or something. Maybe I just need to get laid. I don't know anymore...
"How exactly had things turned out so? This woman whose eyes she used was the last woman the child she had been would have expected to become." -- Stephen King - "Wizard and Glass"
Friday, December 17, 2004
A Semi-Unfortunate Event
"We all have different desires and needs, but if we don't discover what we want from ourselves and what we stand for, we will live passively and unfulfilled." -- Bill Watterson
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Crayon Sea Ponies
So, on a much happier note, let's talk about how much Wes Anderson rocks. I saw "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou" last night at a chud screening. What an outstanding film. It is a Wes Anderson film though so it will definitely not be for everyone. The soundtrack is bizarre at best. It's just a weird fucking movie all around, but it's funny and beautiful and superbly acted. Bill Murray is a genius. He just keeps getting better and has really been picking good material lately. The whole cast is great. Aside from Murray it's hard to single out any one performance. Although this is a very different role than we usually see Willem Dafoe playing... There's no point in trying to explain what this movie is about. If you like Wes Anderson's movies, then you'll love "Life Aquatic." If you don't "get" Wes' films, then you won't like this one. It's as simple as that. Personally I loved it and will definitely have to see it again...
"I'm going to go on an overnight drunk, and in 10 days I'm going to set out to find the shark that ate my friend and destroy it." -- Bill Murray - "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou"
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
I have an ex who is a seriously disturbed mother-fucker. He has been that way as long as I've known him. I even know why he is the way he is and as a result I have let him get away with bullshit that I would have killed other people for. No more. I'm done. I can't do this anymore. I've tried just being friends with him and I thought we had finally gotten to a good place, but apparently not. I have told him in no uncertain terms that there is not a chance in hell that I will ever fuck him again. I thought I had proven that to him when I went out drinking with him and a bunch of his friends a few months back and we all got so drunk we could barely stand up. Normally I get very friendly when I drink, but even though I ended up spending the night with him nothing happened. Even in my seriously intoxicated state I was still able to tell him, "no." His spell over me was broken. I had never been able to be around him and not give in to pretty much anything he wanted me to do. I had my free will back. Apparently he took that as some sort of fucked up challenge. Lately he has really been harassing me to come visit him after the New Year. I've told him repeatedly it's not going to happen. Well, I must have finally said something that really pissed him off because I got home from work today and had a package from him. I didn't look at the box too closely so honestly I thought it was my order and didn't even give it a second look until I got home from my "Life Aquatic" screening. So I opened the box and inside was an incredibly kinky sex toy with a note that said, "I know how picky you are about the guys you sleep with so I know that if you're not fucking me, then you're not fucking anybody. I thought I'd send you something that would make your holidays more 'pleasureable.' And less pathetic and lonely." Son-of-a-bitch. From anyone else, I would have said it was a joke, but from him it was not meant to be funny. It was meant to be viscious and mean and spiteful. After everything he and I have been through it is almost funny that it took something as petty and stupid as this to finally seal his fate though. Bastard. So, I stand corrected in regards to my Nov 6th blog. Apparently someone can find a way to get themselves taken off my "people I'd take a bullet for" list. It just takes 10+ years of extreme fucking measures to do it... It does go to show that he's not too bright though. If he'd been thinking at all he would have realized that a sex toy was the worst possible gift he ever could have sent me if he wanted to have the remotest chance of ever fucking me again. Now I really don't need him for anything ;)
"I had often fantasized about running into my ex and his wife. But in those fantasies, I was running over them with a truck." -- Sarah Jessica Parker - "Sex and the City"
Next Stop, Outer Mongolia
"If you don't have a good sense of direction, at least try to get lost in interesting places. " -- Ron Lunde
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
A Menace to Elves Everywhere
I should never be allowed near wrapping paper. If Martha Stewart was dead she would roll over in her grave if she saw the atrocities I commit when wrapping presents. It is truly a sight to behold. I'm not sure what the problem is. It doesn't really involve math. It's a semi-creative kinda task. It's just paper. How hard can it be to manipulate paper? I should be able to wrap a fucking gift and not have it end up looking like a 4 year old did it - I take that back, I've seen 4 year olds who can wrap better than I can. I need to take a gift wrapping class or something. I should just buy gift bags. It would make my life easier, but I am nothing if not stubborn. I refuse to let the paper gods defeat me! I continue to practice wrapping, year after freakin' year. It's become like some sort of insane quest. My improvement has been minimal at best. (Fortunately, I don't have this problem with certain other "skills" I've been working on. I continue to show promise with those tasks ;) I guess it would also help if I would stop buying things that come in oddly shaped boxes. I can wrap books pretty well. It's those damn Fisher Price toys that come in these fucked up hexagonal-octagonal-multi-dimensional packages that really cause me to want to rip my hair out... While we're at it, let's talk about mylar paper. Have you seen this stuff? It's shiny and pretty, but it's most definitely not paper. It's some sort of liquid metal or something. It might even be alive, with a mind and a will all it's own. It doesn't rip. It doesn't stay folded. You need 4 hands and 2 rolls of tape to wrap anything with it and yet my mother continues to buy it. I think she just enjoys watching me trying to wrap things with it. Needless to say a future career at the North Pole as an elf is probably not in the cards for me. It would take them all of about 10 minutes to cast me into exile... Maybe I just need to accept the fact that gift wrapping is like eating with chop sticks. It is something I will never, ever be good at...
"I once bought my kids a set of batteries for Christmas with a note on it saying, toys not included." - Bernard Manning
Monday, December 13, 2004
Movie Review Drive By
"Closer" – Overall a good movie, but very, very heavy. NOT a happy film. Natalie Portman and Jude Law rocked. Not for everyone but definitely worth seeing for serious film buffs…
"Kinsey" – Outstanding film. Not for people who have a problem with graphic portrayals of nudity and sex. Liam Neeson deserves nominations for his role. Peter Saarsgard gives a great performance and as an added bonus we get to see him naked ;) A must see before awards season starts up…
"Spanglish" – Better than I expected, but not what I expected. This film was totally marketed as a comedy and it’s not. Cloris Leachman rocked. Her part is small but she owned her scenes. Adam Sandler was ok but inconsistent. His performance was the weakest in the film. The rest of the cast was pretty good…
"Being Julia" – Based on a Somerset Maugham story. Well written. Good cast. Interesting twists and turns to the plot. A little slow in the middle. It’s a period piece so not for everyone. “Being Julia,” “Stage Beauty,” and “Finding Neverland” would be a good trifecta for theatre buffs. Smart movie. I liked it a lot…
White Mocha, Hold the Chocolate
The guys down at Starbucks know me really well. Caffeine is my drug of choice so I'm in there practically every day. The 2 guys that were working this morning have been there for quite awhile and I always joke around with them. This morning it took a sort of bizarre turn though. One of them (the sorta scary, creepy one that I honestly always thought was gay) starts asking me how my weekend was and it wasn't just the normal chit-chat. It was... odd. He was totally hitting on me. Of all the guys that work there of course it was the scary one who decided to show some interest. (Ok, so the cute new boy hit on me all last week, but that was different. He was just flirting. We had a whole discussion about whip cream not just being for the bedroom anymore, but I digress.) This was different. Everyone around picked up on it. The other barista looked at him like he'd lost his mind and Lindy was totally amused by the exchange. I was polite but indifferent. I'm good at indifferent. I don't want to be mean, but I also don't want to encourage something that is never, ever going to happen. To make matters worse, I distracted him to the point that he was no longer able to perform his job properly. I seem to go in cycles as to what I order at Starbucks. I'll do Mochas for a month or two, then Vanilla Cremes for a couple of weeks, then maybe back to Mochas. For the last week or so I've been on a White Mocha trip. That was what I ordered this morning. What I got was a latte. He was so busy hitting on me that he totally forgot to put the chocolate in my coffee. Depriving me of chocolate on a Monday morning is never a good idea... It looks like it's going to be another weird fucking week. Oh joy!
On a side note, what is with all the guys hitting on me the last few weeks? Am I sending out some sort of bizarre signal that I'm not aware of? If so, can someone please let me know what it is so I can turn it off? Don't get me wrong, having someone to curl up in bed with on cold winter nights is great, but I'm soooo not looking for anyone right now... aside from Matt Damon of course. (See my blog from Thurs night). Matt sorta has a standing invite for whenever he wants to come over... Well, maybe there are a couple of others that are welcome anytime too... actually, I have a list.... Ok, so maybe I'm just not looking for any strange Starbucks guys who can't seem to put chocolate in my coffee :)
"It's not that chocolate is a substitute for love. Love is a substitute for chocolate. Chocolate is, let's face it, far more reliable than a man." -- Miranda Ingram
Friday, December 10, 2004
Lights, Camera, Action!
"Avoid women directors. They ovulate. Do you have any idea what that does to a three month shoot? " -- Kevin Spacey - "Swimming with Sharks"
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Instant Gratification
"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue center light pop and everybody goes "AWWW!"" - Jack Kerouac - "On the Road"
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Reality Bites
I had one of those nights last night. I would fall asleep and then have these dreams about... no can't really say that here... so, at one point there was this pooltable involved and... no can't really go into detail about that either... well, let's just say these dreams are not quite fit for publication (even on my blog, so that's saying something). Suffice to say that "intense" doesn't even begin to describe them. It made for a rough night. I did not get nearly enough sleep and the sleep I did get was not restful. The dreams were worth it, but damn am I going to pay the price for them today. I can just feel it...
"In my sex fantasy, nobody ever loves me for my mind." -- Nora Ephron
Monday, December 06, 2004
A Whole Different Kinda Ocean
"Look, it's not in my nature to be mysterious. I can't talk about it, and I can't talk about why." -- Brad Pitt - "Ocean's Twelve"
Sunday, December 05, 2004
A Blue Day
"The mysteries of life, the most potent gifts of existence, quite often arrive on the backs of black horses." -- Linda Kohanov - "The Tao of Equus"
Friday, December 03, 2004
It's Fun to be a Vampire
Anyway, I'm back from Asheville now. It's not a bad little town. Kinda pretty up there. Of course I can think of probably 100 different places where I would rather have travelled to, like say New Zealand, or Ireland, or I don't know... maybe Italy :) Still, it was a fairly productive trip so I'm glad we went, even though it was really fucking cold up there.
I saw "Blade:Trinity" last night. It was pretty good. Typical Blade movie. It was better than the 2nd one but not quite as good as the 1st. Actually, there were some aspects of it I liked better than the original. Wesley Snipes was still good as Blade, but he's been playing this role for so long now that he doesn't have to put much effort into it anymore. Parker Posey was creepily disturbing. As predicted, Ryan Reynolds and Jessica Biel were great additions to the cast. In fact, they were the best part of the movie. I really like Jessica Biel. She was great as Whistler's daughter, Abigail. Sorta Buffy meets Kiddo (from "Kill Bill"). Ryan Reynolds was definitely the standout though. He's hot AND he's funny. Always a winning combination. I have to admit that I've always has a soft spot for Ryan though. Back during his "Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place" days, I knew someone who was sleeping with him and she always said that he's a super nice guy AND he's great in bed. Again, always a good combination of traits. I like guys who are funny and talented - and by "talented" I mean talented in lots of different ways ;) So Blade was good. It doesn't really break any new ground in the vampire genre, but if you liked the first two, you'll probably like this one...
"I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it."
- James Marsters - "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"