Friday, November 05, 2004

Purple Haze

Ok , so here's a suggestion. Don't take heavy drugs while at work. You would think this would be common sense, right? Well, sometimes accidents happen. Did you know that Vicodin looks surprisingly like Excedrin and that if you aren't paying attention you could easily mistake the two? Learn from my mistakes people. This CAN happen. I had a killer headache when I came in this morning so I pulled out my handy dandy little little pill bottle, popped 2 Excedrin (or so I thought) and proceeded to go about my day. Like 1/2 an hour later I'm sitting in this meeting and start catching trails off of things. It was very bizarre and I'm like, "What the fuck?" Then I remembered I had a couple of Vicodin stashed away in that pill bottle for emergencies. Oh shit. I check the bottle when I get out of the meeting and sure enough, no more Vicodin. I am flying high at this point. Let me tell you, work is much more interesting (and much less stressful) when you've got a chemically altered state of mind going on. It's now a couple of hours later and I'm still in a pretty happy purple haze here. It's feeling like it's time to chant down Babylon, baby.... Happy Happy Friday to all!

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