Friday, October 15, 2004

There's a signpost up ahead...

It's really starting to feel like I have taken some sort of detour on the road of my life recently and it has put me in some weird "Twilight Zone" dimension. Last night I had an 18-year old ask me out. Forget the fact that he's really nice. Forget the fact that we seem to have a lot of similar interests. Forget the fact that he's really hot. He's 18! Freakin' 18! I like younger guys. I admit that. My whole Kevin Spacey fixation aside, I generally gravitate towards younger men (and Capricorns, but that's a whole 'nother story), but 18 is a little young even for me. So I politely told him I was flattered, but that it wasn't going to happen. I hated to crush his little teenage hopes like that, but c'mon. This guy is in my Latin class. I was in high school taking Latin the year he was born! I don't think I'm ready to be Mrs Robinson just yet ;)

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