Thursday, October 14, 2004

The Doctor is In... and Tired

Ok, don't get me wrong. I like the fact that I have remained friends with most of my ex's over the years. It's kinda nice to know that even though things ended (sometimes badly) that there was still enough "something" there to at least salvage a friendship out of it all. Then I have have nights like last night. Those nights when it's 4 AM and I'm dead asleep, but not so asleep that I don't hear my cell phone ringing. I know not to answer it. I know who it is everytime. I'm not naming names here, anyone who knows me knows who the hell I'm talking about. This is the guy who solidified my label of "Queen of Fucked Up Relationships." He is one of my best friends, and I will love him until the day I die, but he is the bane of my existance. Unfortunately, I also know and understand him better than anyone on the planet so whenever he has a problem (and let me tell you, this guy is seriously fucked in the head, so he's got some serious problems) he picks up the phone and calls me to help him work it out... much to the chagrin of his girlfriend(s). Over the years I have just sorta become his honorary therapist. I keep telling him it's not a job I want, and sometimes he'll leave me alone for a couple of months, but in the end he always caves and picks up the phone... and sadly, I keep answering. I've been really happy the last few weeks. I don't need him fucking this up for me and snapping me back into the dark funk I've been in for what honestly feels like a couple of years. I'm starting to think I'm the one who needs the therapist...

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