Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Stupid Super Powers

I just have to say that I have some of the dumbest superpowers ever granted to anyone. I mean come on. Superman can fly and all I get is the ability to give people the hiccups and to make restaurant tableware magnetic. At least Magneto has the ability to control all metals. I'm not really complaining. I know some poor saps out there have no superpowers at all, but I really just don't see the benefit of being able to make people hiccup at will. I guess it could be a weapon of distraction, if someone is hiccupping hard enough maybe they won't have the wherewithal to point a ray gun at me or whatever. And maybe I can turn my tableware talents into something more constructive. If I can make forks magnetic, maybe I can graduate up to bending them or something. My brother found me an online instruction manual for doing that so I guess I'll have to try it out. Go check out the site if you need a new hobby - www.fork-you.com
Fork benders of the world unite!

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