Monday, October 25, 2004


Despite my best intentions, I did not get any movies seen this weekend. So, sadly, that means no movie reviews this fine Monday morning. I did however, watch the entire series of Joss Whedon's show, "Firefly" on DVD. I thought that I had seen all of the eps when they originally aired on Fox back in 2002, but it turns out there were a couple I had missed along the way. This was a great show and it's even better when you can sit down and watch it pretty much all at once. If you are a fan of Joss' stuff you should really check this show out. It's incredibly funny and well written and the cast is outstanding. Of the 15 eps there is only one that I felt could have been "tweaked" a bit. So go buy it or put it in your NetFlix queue or whatever. There's a feature film based on the show due out in April. It's called "Serenity." Maybe if it does well, Fox will come to their senses and give the show another chance :)

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