Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Extatical Writing

I'm a writer. I always have been. There is something powerful and theraputic about laying words down. That being said, there are times when I sit down to write that transend even just that basic need to create something. Times when I enter what athletes often refer to as a "zone." When I'm in that place, characters are created. Worlds rise and fall at my whim. My deepest desires and my darkest fears are all laid bare... and it is amazing. I had a night like that yesterday. I had spent a large portion of my day dealing with distractions and frustrations that never got resolved to my satisfaction. Not bad things, just things that did not work out they way they should have. I got home from work and just had to write. Time stopped and the words spilled out of me in force. It was almost zenlike. It was borderline orgasmic. It's really not something I can describe. It is something that truly has to be felt and when you feel it, it is beautiful....

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