Thursday, October 28, 2004

Blood Sugar Sex Magic

The lunar eclipse came and went last night. I decided to get the hell out of downtown so that I could watch it without all the buildings and lights and just general distractions of the city. I'm glad I did. Besides, I don't think my neighbors would have appreciated me lying naked on the lawn in front of my apartment building... well, maybe some of them would have... who knows? Anyway, I had briefly convinced myself that I was just going to watch the show and not try to tap into the natural energy that comes from the phenomena of a blood moon, but ultimately my resistance proved to be half-hearted at best. There was just too big a power rush to be had. Let me start by saying I am not a witch. I flirted briefly with some Wiccan ideals but felt it was not a path that I needed to journey down. That being said, I do know more than I probably should about spell casting. Ritual magic, and in particular ritual sex magic, has always been fascinating to me. Like most things, the key is belief. You have to legitimately believe that you can tap into the natural energies around you and give yourself to them in order for the spell to work the way you want it to. Rituals generally do not work out well for cynics and realists. You have to be a dreamer. You have to be able to let your imagination go and let your most basic instincts guide you. If you can do that, let me tell you, the payoff is something else. It's almost like the electricity you feel in the prelude to a summer storm. Sort of like taking the really good drugs, but without all the nasty after effects. You're left with a tingling sensation that runs along your skin like butterfly wings; like the softest of kisses on the back of your neck.... There is something unbelievably cathartic about lying naked under the light of a blood red moon; to dance the silence while night winds kiss bare flesh. It is spiritual... it is tantric... and it is primal. We don't get another blood moon for almost 3 years now. It is going to be a hell of a long wait...

We are the music-makers,
And we are the dreamers of dreams,
Wandering by lone sea-breakers,
And sitting by desolate streams.
World-losers and world-forsakers,
Upon whom the pale moon gleams;
Yet we are the movers and shakers,
Of the world forever, it seems.

Arthur O'Shaughnessy - "Ode"

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