Thursday, September 03, 2009

There and back again...

Ok, so I haven't posted anything here in awhile... a long while. Interesting that my last post was about the crazy wildfires last fall and now this latest one is in the midst of SoCal's latest inferno. (check out my friend Denise Vasquez's awesome pictures!) Fire fascinates me (I think I was a pyromaniac in a previous life) so I guess this is apropos... (In a semi-related topic, check out Nathan Hamill's latest work, "Lavabear" at

Most of you know what I've been up to lately, but for those of you who don't, here's the quick and low down... I've been writing. Writing, writing, and more writing. Mostly with Jason, but also some with Stacey as well. The three of us recently completed a pilot script for a TV show. It is being read by the PTB (That's "Powers That Be" for you non-Whedonites out there) over at Fox... and its progress at the studio has been promising. The right people are reading it and more importantly, loving it! I can't say too much about it yet, but I'm even excited about the possibilities and in these types of situations I'm usually a cautious optimist at best. I promise to keep everyone posted as events progress so keep your fingers, toes, and various other appendages crossed (no, not THAT appendage you perverts... although if one of you has a way of crossing THAT, we need to talk ;) HeHe),

As far as the other scripts go, they are moving forward as well, albeit at a much slower pace. More on that as details become available as well, but suffice it to say, some recognizable names are reading them and that's never a bad thing. Meanwhile (back at the Batcave) I've got 2 pseudo-horror scripts I'm working on. One is a Tim Burtonesque fantasy-horror kinda thing and the other is a comedy-action-horror (think Shaun of the Dead meets Halo). The treatment on one is done and I'm hard at work on the other. I hope to have 1st drafts of both done before Halloween. (I'm going as a Zombie school girl for those of you who care.)

This week I'm in Atlanta though. I'm going to Dragon*Con to see my fantabulous friend, Felicia Day and I'm catching up with other friends (old and new) as well as family members. I haven't been back here in a couple o years and it's kind of odd to be back... that and the chip in my brain that contained my maps of Atlanta must have short circuited, 'cause I got lost driving from my mom's house to Perimeter Mall yesterday (and that's only like a mile away). Hey, I never claimed NOT to be directionally challenged. HeHeHe.

So that's the skinny, scoop, latest breaking news. Love you all. Talk soon!

-- angie :)

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