Saturday, December 10, 2005

Just A Little Off

I've been a little outta whack the past 2 days. It started on Friday morning. I rolled over and looked at the clock. (Let me mention that it was the analog clock on the wall, not my digital one. That makes me look slightly less stupid.) I saw it reading 7:15 and although I normally don't get up until 7:45 or 8:00, I was wide awake, so I got up. I checked my e-mail and downloaded some stuff from iTunes. Then I logged into EQ to see if I'd sold anything. Basically I just fucked around for 45 minutes. So at 8:00 I turned on KTLA to see what weather and traffic were looking like and was briefly puzzled as to why they were signing off. Then the little light went on and I looked at the digital clock on my dresser. It sat there all blue and glowy and reading 9:13. (I set my clock ahead 13 minutes. It's just a thing I do. Don't ask.) So there I was, not dressed, no makeup, not remotely ready for work and it was 9AM. The time I'm normally walking out the door. I had gotten up at 8:15, not 7:15. Dammit. So I threw on some clothes, slapped on some makeup and ran out the door. Blissfully there was no traffic, which for a Friday is something of a miracle and from the reports on the radio, I was the only one who hit no traffic jams. The 10 and the 110 were particularly hideous apparently. Still, my whole day was just a little "off" and it has continued into today. I have written on my calendar that I'm supposed to get my hair cut next Saturday at 1:00. Cool. Except that apparently my appointment was for today and not next week. Fortunately my hairdresser had another client cancel this morning and so she called me to see if I wanted to come in earlier. So I did, but that totally fucked up my plan to go into the city and see "Memoirs of a Geisha" this afternoon. Ok fine. I figured I'd go see "Syriana" at a theatre near my house instead. No such luck. I missed the showtime at one of them by 15 minutes and the other theatre was sold out. So no movie for this girl today. I'm going to try and get both seen tomorrow instead. If I do, I could conceivably get 5 movies seen in like a week and 1/2, which is more than I've seen in the last 2 months. I saw "Narnia" last Wednesday. I plan to do "Geisha" and "Syriana" tomorrow. Then some friends and I are talking "King Kong" on Wednesday. Lastly Steven Spielberg is hosting a screening of "Munich" on the 20th that S-boy has said he can get me into. Nifty. I love the holiday movie season, but it's a bitch trying to get everything seen. Speaking of S-boy, I had a really bizarre conversation with him on Thursday. He and I have got to stop drinking margaritas together. Every time we do, it turns into some kind of fucked up truth-or-dare session. I was bitching about the guy who blew me off for the Narnia screening and he was bitching about this "clingy" chick who keeps calling him (and no, it's not me :P) and that she driving him crazy. He's very much an outdoorsy kinda guy and this girl is more a shopping-at-the-Beverly Center type. He's finally just stopped returning her phone calls, but that hasn't stopped her from trying to reach him. He's really annoyed. At least I'm not the only one who seems to attract psychos. So anyway, he said something about confident women turning him on and I told him that was bullshit. Guys claim they want confident, assertive women, but when it comes down to it, they don't. They want quiet, submissive girls who do what they're told. Otherwise, I would not still be single. S-boy found that amusing. He told me that there's a difference between being assertive and being aggressive and that I may be a bit too aggressive for most guys out there, but that the real reason I'm still single is because I want to be. He says that I know exactly what I want in a man and until I find exactly what I want, I'm not going to be happy. That's why I get bored with men so easily. I haven't found one who challenges me enough. I need someone who will stand up to me and most men don't have those kinds of balls. He may have a point. I can be a bit demanding and it's definitely going to take a certain kind of guy to convince me to give him a real chance with me. On the bright side, S-boy seems to think I will eventually find that guy. Well, at least one of us sees some light at the end of that particular tunnel of mine :) The convesation then got a bit more goofy as we discussed what else turns us on. (Him - driving fast, women in boots, redheads. Me - storms (thunder and wind), having the back of my neck kissed, guys in black turtlenecks.) We also somehow got on the topic of my licking fetish. Like I said, it was a bizarre conversation. Tequila'll do that to ya. Still, we had a good time. I really like hanging out with S-boy. He doesn't put up with any bullshit and has no problem telling me when he thinks I'm doing something stupid. He definitely speaks his mind and doesn't care what anyone else thinks about his opinions. I wish we could hang out more often. It's not the same as having TNI around, but I have to say that S-boy has certainly been a welcome addition to my life... Although once pilot season gets cranked up, I suspect that I won't see much of any of my boys. Ah, the joys of hanging out with actors. Actually though, I'm sure I'll be just as busy as they are, if not more so. That's ok though. Work goes by a lot faster when we're busy... Enough for today I guess. Happy thing for tonight is being able to see the stars. The nights are so clear out here. It's beautiful and I never tire of looking out my window and seeing stars. Must be the dreamer in me... Enjoy the rest of the weekend :)

"Love is something far more than desire for sexual intercourse; it is the principal means of escape from the loneliness which afflicts most men and women throughout the greater part of their lives." -- Bertrand Russell

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothing is the same as having TNI around ;)