Monday, August 22, 2005

Falling Stars

I guess since I had a good day on Friday, I should have known that Monday would turn out to suck. Still, I guess I'd rather have a miserable Monday than a miserable Friday. And I guess "miserable" is an unfair description. "Frustrating" and "annoying" are probably more accurate. First off, I woke up this morning seriously missing The Naked Indian. I always miss him when he's not around, but some days are worse than others and today was one of the really bad ones in that respect... Then my car almost got tagged by a meteorite as I drove to work... ok, so it was probably a falling rock and not a meteorite (it could be said that I spend too much time watching "Smallville"), but let me enjoy my little delusion. Whatever it was, it came hurtling toward me at about Mach 1 and I had to do some serious Indy Car moves to avoid it and not run off the side of the road in the process... So I got into work and one of my kids called to say he was stuck on the Paramount lot on an audition (Yay for him!), but that left us short handed at work. He finally got in, but then informed me he had to leave early because he got a callback (again Yay for him!) whick once again left us short handed. Oh the joys of having actors work for you. They are so much fun, but there are definite tradeoffs... Apparently it was "Let's Bitch About Everything Day" today. People whined to me about the dumbest shit. Employees, customers, everyone. Even people who I went out of my way to help and look out for chose to be snippy with me today... that one at least had the good sense to call back an hour later and apologize for being an asshole, but that's beside the point... It was just one of those days. It could have been a lot worse, but it could have been a lot fucking better too... Tomorrow should be interesting. I have a bevy of high-maintenance clients that are supposed to come in. That could be good or bad. Sometimes they are a lot of fun, other times they make me want to pull my hair out... Oh well. Sometimes my life is not nearly as glamourous as I'd like it to be. I guess every day in LA can't be sunny, huh?

"I like too many things and get all confused and hung-up running from one falling star to another till I drop. This is the night, what it does to you. I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion." -- Jack Kerouac


Anonymous said...

You know Ang, guys should want to get involved with you just so you can give them an interesting nickname in your blog :) sorry about last week when you called me. i was an asshole.

Anonymous said...

I miss you too sweets ................and it's funny, but I thought I gave myself this nickname ;) ttys!

Angie said...

You did, but certain other people enjoy being difficult... Of course this is the same other person who seems to think his nickname was meant as some sort of compliment, so...