Tuesday, July 12, 2005

What's Up, Tigerlily?

I now know why Goth chicks are a rarity in Southern California. It's too fucking hard to maintain black hair out here. Between the sun and the salt water my hair was turning a very interesting shade of burgandy. So I decided it was time to go back to being a redhead. I've had red hair most of my adult life and my natural color is a fairly dark auburn. I've been contemplating the change back for awhile now, Mother Nature just decided to give me a push in that direction. Still, going from blue-black to auburn is not as easy as it might sound. Dyeing your hair black is a commitment. Mine's been that way for about 3 years now. You can't just color over it. There's bleaching and re-coloring and it's a pain in the ass. So right now I'm in a transitional phase. The best way to describe my hair right now is tiger-striped. I like tigers, they're one of my favorite animals, so I'm ok with that :) It's kinda funky. I like it. It's kinda me. My dad will be in town in a couple of weeks for my cousin's wedding. I'll have to have him take some pictures or something. So my black hair is my first concession to the California beach gods. I have yet to relinquish my pale skin to the sun gods, but I'm working on it. Pretty soon it'll be a whole new me. Tan and thin and red haired once again. People won't recognize me the next time I come back to Atlanta to visit.

"'O Tiger-lily,' said Alice, addressing herself to one that was waving gracefully about in the wind, 'I wish you could talk!' 'We can talk,' said the Tiger-lily: 'when there's anybody worth talking to.'" -- Lewis Carroll - "Alice in Wonderland"

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