Sunday, July 10, 2005

Pipe Dreams

While running through Antonica last night I wished for some gnolls to kill and three of them instantly popped behind me. I then made some wise-ass comment about wishing that everything I asked for came to me that easily. When asked what I would wish for if it did, I was at a loss for an answer. Of course, there were several illicit images and desires involving beautiful naked men that popped into my head (that’s just how my brain works), but given some time to dwell on the question, I came up with a list. I haven’t posted one in awhile, so it was time:

13) I wish my horse was out here with me. I miss her.

12) I hope all my friends who recently found out that they are losing their jobs find new ones, better ones.

11) I wish true love to everyone I care about. Just because I suck at relationships doesn’t mean the rest of you should have to.

10) I hope the rest of my sister-in-law’s pregnancy goes well. She gave us a scare last week. I just want her and the baby to be healthy and happy.

9) I wish good health and happiness to all my friends and family.

8) Everyone wants world peace. I might as well throw my support to that cause as well :)

7) I want a dog. Casper is great, but I need a canine companion of my own.

6) I want to stop falling for guys with “issues.” I want a nice guy who loves and appreciates me in spite of all my neurotic eccentricities. Why is it that I’m always drawn to the unstable dreamers? Athletes, actors, musicians, etc? Maybe because like attracts like. I see all my desires reflected in them. Fuck. I’m so screwed on this one. “Normal” people just don’t appeal to me…

5) Johnny Depp. I really, really want Johnny Depp… Oh wait. That sorta contradicts # 6, doesn’t it?

4) I want Michael to be ok (physically, emotionally, mentally). He’s a little “off-track” right now and according to people close to him that’s partially my fault. I don’t want to be that kind of distraction to him. I want him to get his focus back.

3) I want someone to option my script and to at least listen to my suggestions in regards to re-writes and casting.

2) I want all the puzzle pieces to fall into place for Jason so that he can get the fuck out of Atlanta this fall.

1) I want a career as a screenwriter. Writing makes me happy and I figure I only need to sell the occasional script to allow me to avoid that whole “real job” thing.

So there you go. My hopes and desires for the time being. The list could be much longer, but I was constrained by my rule of 13. Besides, there are some wishes I have that are secret and are best left unspoken. I hope everyone has a beautiful Sunday! Call someone important to you and tell them that you love them. You never know when you might not have that chance again.

“Why is it we only feel compelled to chase the ones that run away?” – John Malkovich – “Dangerous Liaisons”

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