Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Here Kitty Kitty

I was contemplating taking a break from my blog for awhile, but have decided against it. It really has been good for me to have this space to write. It keeps me in the habit of writing and as I get ready to start a major re-write on script #1 and possibly start work on script #2, I think this blog will actually help to keep me focused. Don't ask me why, just go with it. I can't really explain it. If you're a writer, you understand the neccesity of keeping some sort of journal even while writing other things... So I saw a mountain lion today. I looked out my window and there he was. Granted, he was across the ravine, but still it was kinda freaky. Casper, our German Shepherd was none to thrilled to see him, I can tell you that. That was actually why I even saw him. I couldn't figure out what the fuck Casper was barking about. He was pretty though. As long as he stays on his side of the river I don't mind having him around. They tend to be very afraid of people so I don't think it'll be a problem. Besides, Casper is very loud and very protective of his territory so the wild animals tend to avoid our property. I'm going to get my own dog soon so that will be even more encouragement for them to stay away. Did I mention recently how much I love it here? The one thing I've noticed that I do miss is thunderstorms. I love storms and we really don't have them here, but where else could I live where I could just look out my window and see a mountain lion? There aren't many places like that that I know of. I suppose I'm willing to give up summer storms for that.

"The roaring of lions, the howling of wolves, the raging of the stormy sea, and the destructive sword, are portions of eternity too great for the eye of man." -- William Blake - "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell"

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