Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Clothing Optional

So I called out "sick" today. That's partially true. The thought of getting out of bed, putting on clothes and makeup and whatnot, and actually driving in to work was making me feel kinda ill, so I decided to just not go. I knew my boss would probably be back and in a bitchy mood. I would find myself hiding out in the South Tower or trying to come up with a good excuse to leave early, and it just wasn't fucking worth the stress... It's a dark, chilly, ugly day here in the ATL. A good day to just lie in bed naked with the electric blanket cranked up and not do much of anything but listen to the rain fall and dream illicit dreams. In fact, I'm seriously considering not getting dressed at all today. I have nowhere to go and nothing to do until tonight when I have to go to my mom's house for dinner. I suppose I'll get dressed for that. Generally speaking, clothing in not considered optional at my family gatherings. My mom usually prefers all members to be at least partially attired. Go figure. Until then, I'm just going to hang out here. Maybe work on my screenplay that I haven't touched in weeks. Maybe watch "Office Space." Maybe play some EQ and try to make up some of the debt I picked up yesterday. (My poor little shaman got fucking hammered in the Thundering Steppes last night. I apologize again to my group for that. It was ugly.) I need to make some "tweaks" to my resume too. I found a couple of jobs out in LA that I'm going to apply for and I need my CV to just scream "Hire me!" so that I can get the fuck out of Atlanta. I feel the West Coast calling me home. I just have to find the way to get back there... So if any of you are bored and miss me, just hit me up on AIM if I'm logged in, or call my cell or whatever. Some of you are even welcome to come over to my place for lunch if you would like. I might even get dressed if I know I have company coming.... or not ;)

"Being naked approaches being revolutionary; going barefoot is mere populism" -- John Updike

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