Tuesday, January 04, 2005

The Good Drugs

You people officially know too much about my life. I'm not sure what it is about this blog that compels me to share as much information as I do. We'll just call it therapy and leave it at that I guess. It's definitely cathartic for me and it's a cheap way of exorcising some of my inner demons. It's waaaay less expensive than going to an actual therapist or buying another horse or taking expensive medication or something like that. Blogging and gaming. The therapy of the new millennium...

So, I went to this party on New Year's Eve. Had a great time. Got to hang out with some cool people. Drank too much. The usual. What wasn't usual was that I also ended up stoned. You think I'm a lightweight when it come to drinking? You should see what pot does to me. You know that scene in "Garden State" where Zach takes the hit of X? He just sits on the couch and watches everything rush past him. That was me on Friday night. Only instead of everything moving around me in double time, everything slowed way the fuck down. It was like super slo-mo in a movie. Or watching people under water. It was very odd. I have never smoked pot. Just wasn't interested. During my brief experimentation phase with drugs in high school I skipped all that "gateway" crap and went right to the "good" stuff. Coke, speed, crystal-meth, acid (unintentionally). It's amazing I survived. Anyway, like I said, I never got into the smoking thing. I now know why. Everything just basically came to a dead halt. I sat in a chair and just got very, very mellow. The world could have come to an end and I'm not sure that I would have cared. I have a lot of friends who smoke. I'm not sure how they accomplish anything in that state. Moving seemed like an effort. To try and counteract it, I drank more. Probably not the best solution but what the hell. I figured I'd at least give it a try. It didn't help much. All I really wanted to do was sit there and just be (and eat like a dozen of these little mini eclair things). So, New Year's was eventful in a non-eventful kinda way. Still, it was a great party with a Twilight Zone kinda twist for me. Wouldn't have missed it for the world...

"Every now and then when your life gets complicated and the weasels start closing in, the only cure is to load up on heinous chemicals and then drive like a bastard from Hollywood to Las Vegas ... with the music at top volume and at least a pint of ether." -- Hunter S. Thompson - "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"

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