Monday, November 01, 2004

Time Travel

Well, I planned to see 5 movies this past weekend and what'dya know, I actually got 5 seen. I'm not sure if that's sad, or obsessive, or what... Anyway, I posted my reviews for the first 3 on Sat, so here's the 411 on the other 2...

First up is "Primer." As I have mentioned previously, when they are done right, I like weird fucking movies. This is definitely a weird fucking movie. Think "Pi" meets "The Matrix" meets "Back to the Future." It's best if I don't say too much in regards to the plot of the film. I think this film really benefits from someone going into it mostly blind. I will say that on the surface this is basically a film about time travel. On a deeper level though there's more to it than that. It's about friendship, and betrayal, and the choices we make... and the consequences of those choices. The film has a good script and a really cool look to it. It is full of great performances by a virtually unknown cast. It is definitely not a mainstream kinda film, but techno-movie-geeks should all love it.

I also saw "Stage Beauty." This film was marketed badly. Based on the trailers I had seen, I went in expecting a comedy, and although it had it's funny moments, it was most definitely not what I would consider to be a comedy. Basically it's the story of an actor who has made a career out of playing women on the stage. His world is threatened when a young woman decides she wants to become an actress (which was against the law at the time) and starts getting the roles that previously would have ben his. Sounds potentially like a comedy, yes? Well, not so much... Even so, I really, really liked the movie. I'm not a big Claire Daines fan, but she did a decent job here. She wasn't great, but she was not nearly as annoying as she normally is. Billy Crudup on the other hand was outstanding. He is always pretty to look at, but he's a great actor as well. The rest of the supporting cast (in particular, Ben Chaplin) is very strong, but this is totally Billy's movie. It would not have worked without him. It is a period piece so if you're not into those kinds of films, then this might not be the movie for you. However, anyone who appreciates the inner workings and history of the theatre should love this film.... and of course all the Crudup fans out there :)

"The Incredibles" opens on Friday. It's going to rock! I can't wait!

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