Thursday, November 11, 2004

Sex, Lies, and a Little Secret

I have felt sorta crappy all week. I think the changing weather has been the root cause but I'm sure stress and a lack of sleep have been factored into the equation as well. (Wow, I'm using math references. I think that's one of the signs of the Apocalypse.) To top it all off, it's cold and rainy and what I really want to do is climb back into my nice warm bed and go to sleep, but no such luck. Today, not only did I wake up late, but I woke up with a killer headache. One of those that's not quite a migraine, but definitely has the ambition of becoming one. The best cure for these kinds of headaches is sex, or more specifically the endorphins released by a really good orgasm. (To all the guys out there, I'll let you in on a little secret. If a woman ever tells you she's not in the mood and claims it's because she has a headache, that's bullshit. It means she just doesn't want to fuck you.) There is no better headache relief. However, I don't think sex is an option right this minute though seeing as how I'm at work..... A nice long sleep would probably do it too, but that's not nearly as much fun and once again the whole work thing fucks that option up too. I need to kill this thing before it gets worse, but after the little Vicodin episode last week, I'm thinking I don't want to go the chemical route. I need to at least be able to function today. Maybe coffee will do the trick, but I'm thinking this headache might be beyond the healing powers of caffeine. It's looking like it's going to be a long Thursday...

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