Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind

I've always been something of a geek. I admit that, but I have a confession to make. I am now a geek of the first order. I have been sucked back into the world of "EverQuest." I'm not going to bother to give an elaborate explaination of what EQ is. If you don't know, then you probably don't want to. Suffice it to say that it's an online gaming community in which you create a character and then you go out into the EverQuest world and kill things. There's a lot more to it than that, but you get the idea. I've never been much of a gamer. Mainly because I'm not very good at video games and I've never had much patience with things that I'm not good at. In fact, I think you can safely say that patience in general is not one of my virtues. I had played EQ briefly a few years back, but never got very far so I quit playing. Well, I'm back into it now and am having a lot more fun this time around. It helps that I've got a good friend who's been playing in this world for quite awhile and has given me some invaluable help and insight. It's sorta like having a guardian angel; my own personal Obi-Wan or something... and believe me, I've needed all the help I can get :) It's amazing how much better this game is now that I at least have a vague idea of what the fuck I'm doing... rather than just running around blindly with no fucking clue. I'm still reckless and tend to get myself into situations that are WAY beyond my level. Not surprisingly, I seem to play my character the way I live my life. My blood lust gets up and I just rush into the fray without any regard to the consequences. Needless to say, I've gotten squashed by some really big monsters on a couple of occasions by doing that... but I've learned my lesson to some extent and am at least slightly more cautious now... Anyway, I'm not sure that my renewed interest in EQ is neccesarily a good thing. This is a very time consuming game and it's proving to be very addictive. Still, I guess there are worse things I could be doing with my time... no, really, I'm sure there are.... it's not like I'm going out and robbing banks as a hobby or anything... Probably the most disturbing aspect of my EQ fixation has been the fucked up dreams I've had for the last couple of nights. I should not be dreaming about running around killing skeletons and giant scorpions. Shouldn't it be some sort of red flag when you start dreaming about a freakin' video game world? There are MUCH better activities that I could be dreaming about... which is not to say that I haven't been dreaming about those things too ;)

My life is very odd these days....

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