Monday, August 30, 2004

Ying xiong

It's shaping up to be a good year at the movies. All-in-all 2003 kinda sucked so 2004 has been something of a surprise. "Hidalgo" was made specifically for me. I mean, c'mon, it's Viggo on a horse. It's not going to win any awards, but in my world what could be more perfect ;) I expected a lot from "Kill Bill: Vol 2," "Harry Potter 3," and "Spider-man 2" and they all delivered, but it's really been more a year of the quiet, little films. I seem to have spent much more time in art houses in 2004. Last year, all we really got was "Lost in Translation" and "The Triplets of Belleville." This year so far we've had "Girl with a Pearl Earring," "Tokyo Godfathers," Touching the Void," and "Kitchen Stories." Then came "The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra" which is easily one of the funniest films ever. We're talking laugh out loud, fall out of your seat, funny. "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" was a slightly flawed worked of genius. I loved it, but can see why it didn't do huge $$ at the box office. April took on an Irish kinda flair with "Intermission" and "Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself." Both were solid, well-acted little films. "Napoleon Dynamite" had the best marketing campaign of the year and has become an instant cult sensation. The studio had the good sense to re-release "Donnie Darko" and then of course there is my beloved "Garden State." So, what has promted this little art house recap you may ask? Well, it was the film I saw this past weekend. I don't even know how to begin to explain how wonderful "Hero" is. It's a beautiful film and I'd like to thank Quentin Tarantino for harassing Miramax into releasing it here in the US. It's basically an art house film that got the backing it deserved and it really paid off. Who would have thought that a sub-titled, Chinese-made picture would pull in $17 million it's opening weekend? I think that total will go up next week as word gets out too. Anyone who liked "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" will like this film, and honestly, I liked it better. So there, you go. Go see "Hero." I know, I took the long road to get to that destination, but in my world, the journey is what it's all about. :)

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