Friday, August 20, 2004


I blame the Olympics for my sleep deprivation issues. Every night I go home with the intention (yeah, yeah, I know, "the road to Hell" and all that...) of going to bed at something resembling a reasonable hour. So far that has so not happened. The worst part is, I'm really not even watching "my" sport - i.e. the equestrian stuff. I'm watching swimming and gymnastics. Granted, men in lycra are generally worth losing some sleep over, but I'm so paying for it today, and we're only a week into these damn games. Diving is next week and I can't not watch diving. Those guys wear even less than the swimmers ;)

On an equestrian related note, I'm going to run away with Nicholas Touzaint of France. He's 24, he's beautiful, AND he rides. I'm thinking a road trip to the Rolex Kentucky 3-Day Event next spring is going to be in order. I'd really like to get some pics of Nicholas and besides I haven't really shot any good events since '96 so I'm long overdue for some new pictures.

Yay Friday! I honestly had my doubts about surviving this week...

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